Since this is my first post to the forum, I should mention that i'm new to CDP. Installing this has pushed me to learn a great deal when using terminal and I'm loving it but I have yet to have any success getting any results when using any op codes. I have been successful in getting some results using the DAW known as Repaer64 with a CDP front end plug in by Xenakis but it only has about 20 of the Apps available. I know CDP does work since I am able to mess with various Wav files and get awesome results. I want to be able take full advantage of CDP however which is why I have opted to learn it in Terminal but each time I point to a directory, call an argument, set my infile , then out my file and finally set my parameters I get the following.....
ERROR: Can't open file example.wav to read data.
I've tried different apps and Im aware the some Apps only work with MONO files which I have also tested and same thing.
I have read the Manaul Congif file to see if anything was not installed properly or missing so I checked the following directories & hidden files.....
/Users/Myuser/cdpr7/_cdp/_cdprogs ✓
.bash_profile ✓
/etc/launchd.conf. ✓
launchd.conf is set to Wav with following text... CDP_SOUND_EXT defined (to wav)
I also found this thread which from my understanding is for OS X 10.10 Yosemite and up so I followed the instructions and added a environment.plist file in /Users/Myuser/Library/LaunchAgents and after rebooting I still get the same error above. Forgive me if this a newbie move as I could be missing something very simple but any help will be appreciated. Issue is occurring on both my iMac and Macbook Pro with both have OS X 10.11. I should point out that the Macbook Pro had a clean install about 6 months ago as I was running the same data and backup from 5 years. I didn't do the refresh for CDP but I started fresh in general so I would say we can rule out a clean install as a fix.