ERROR: unable to create new .bash_profile.

Started by dBFS, July 10, 2024, 08:26:53 PM

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Hiya everyone. I've been trying to install CDP today and run into a few issues. Once moving the cdpr8 folder into my home directory, running cdp8install.command gives me this message:

x@x's-MacBook-Air ~ % /Users/x/cdpr8/cdp8install.command ; exit;
CDP Install script: Mode 1.
CDP Install script ERROR: unable to create new .bash_profile.

Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...

[Process completed]

Just in case you're wondering, I've replaced any username information with an 'x'.

I've tried a few fixes to this:
In the Manual Configuration document, it states that, after typing 'env' into a new Terminal, 'If PATH already includes the above CDP path,   we are good to go'. When I type env into a terminal, the correct path does indeed appear, yet I'm clearly not 'good to go'. Regardless of this, I tested out creating my own .bash_profile file as via the Manual Config doc. Depending on where I install the .bash_profile file in my home directory, the 'ls -la' command also displays it, yet the installation command still doesn't work, and the error message remains the same.

Any ideas as to why this might be? Thanks


Just adding that I've also just run into this issue, no idea how to find a workaround as this post is the only evidence I can find of others encountering the problem.

Any updates dBFS? Anyone else able to shed some light here?

MacBook Pro 16-inch 2019 (Intel i9)
macOS Monterey 12.7.2



Thank you for the reply, I was starting to think I was on my own here haha. I'm afraid I haven't got any further really - the only way I can change the error message is by moving the self-made .bash_profile outside of its recommended path, and straight into the home directory. The error message then becomes:

CDP Install script copyfile: Error opening outfile /Users/x/tmp/bprof-backup.txt
CDP Install script ERROR: failed to backup .bash_profile.

I'm using an M1 Macbook Air with the latest OS, so I originally thought it could have something to do with that, but from your comment it would seem otherwise. The only other thing that I've thought of is the 'xattr -rc' command mentioned in the manual installation document, and the issue therefore being something to do with permissions, but what exactly to do with them is unknown to me. That's all from me for now; I'll keep searching though.