New User - cdp8install.command error

Started by pericopae, June 18, 2024, 04:48:19 PM

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I have placed the CDP8 folder in my Home directory and run xattr -rc on but when I go to run cdp8install.command I get this error. I'm not very familiar with Mac and Terminal, so any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Last login: Tue Jun 18 11:36:39 on ttys001
/Users/Studio-PC/cdpr8/cdp8install.command ; exit;
(base) Studio-PC@STUDIO ~ % /Users/Studio-PC/cdpr8/cdp8install.command ; exit;
CDP Install script: Mode 2.
CDP Install script copyfile: Error opening outfile /Users/Studio-PC/.bash_profile
CDP Install script ERROR: failed to write output to .bash_profile

Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...

[Process completed]


Mode 2 means that the bash config file '.bash_profile' exists, but needs updating with the new PATH information. If this step fails, the usual reason is some problem with write permissions. This is a file that has to be in your home directory, the leading dot in the name makes it hidden (not displayed by the Finder). If - in your home directory - you type the directory listing command 'ls' with the flags '-la', so thus:

ls -la

It will included all the current hidden files and folder in the printed list. '.bash_profile' should be present. The -l flag makes all the current permissions printed along with each file name

You can then print the contents using the 'cat' command:

cat .bash_profile

It would typically show something like:

-rw-r--r--@  ....  .bash_profile

This show the file has write permission for the admin user, but is read-only for everyone else. If you are running as admin (as is the usual case for anyone running a personal machine), this would be fine. If not, the permissions would need to be set by someone with admin privileges.

I can't diagnose further without more information, e.g. the output from those suggested commands.

One final pont - if you are running any of the latest versions of MacOS, your default shell will be zsh, not bash. The install scripts also create an initial CDP config file for zsh, which should also appear in the directory listing (the title bar of the Terminal window will also indicate the zsh shell). I see no indication those file have failed to be created, so it may well be that in the z shell everything will in fact be up and running. Run any CDP program (such as 'dirsf') to verify one way or the other. Best to start a new Terminal session to be sure the new config information has been used.

Finally: I note you have run the xattr -rc command on This is fine as far as it goes, but my recommendation now (mentioned in the documentation) is to run it on the whole ~/cdpr8 directory (which will thus cover the app as supplied - the -r flag means 'recursive'), to ensure all the 140+ CDP programs are also covered. This will not in itself change any permissions though. R.