midi to sequence

Started by sonora, November 21, 2019, 10:15:42 AM

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I have many troubles converting midi files to sequencer file.I try format 0 and 1 but most of the time the sequencer files has not be created.
I also try lo launch the mf2t from dos but it creates a text file but not sequencer file.did I do something wrong?


Robert Fraser

Thanks for your post, sonora. I'll look into it.

Robert Fraser

When it works, the MIDI-Sequence facility in Soundshaper is a two-pass process: it uses the public-domain program mf2t (as updated by Richard Dobson) to create a text file version of the MIDI file and then attempts to convert that into a .seq file for use with the CDP sequencer (extend sequence 2).

There are some problems with the present version which will need detailed investigation. It appears to work OK with a single track. In tests I have got it to convert a 4-track MIDI file, but I have also had access violations which have required a re-boot. I've found no problems with the first-pass mf2t, which can convert either type 0 or type 1 MIDI files.

If the .seq file is created successfully, you have to look at its first-line header before using it. It might look something like this - 60 60 60 60  - which indirectly tells you that 4 input files are needed. The first will be that in the current Soundshaper cell, the others must be selected via the OPTIONAL INPUTS panel, which will pop up when you select Sequencer from the process menus. These can be the same or different sounds. So in the above example, you might click the current cell three times to select the same source for inputs 2-4. An odd quirk of Sequencer is that two inputs are the minimum, so if there is only one source, you must click the source cell once as a dummy 2nd input. (I've no idea why this is.)

In conclusion, I think MIDI-Sequence can be made to work in a limited way, but there are clearly problems with it at present. I'll look into these further, but don't expect a quick fix. If the problems persist, the facility wil be removed from Soundshaper and perhaps offered as an external program to be used "as-is".


Hello  Robert,
Thank you for your reply. Now I had less problems converting midi files.the trick I use is creating a midi files with notation program by myself, save as type 0 and out in txt/sequencer directly. It works.
Thanks again,
Mario de facendis.