Scaling envelope breakpoint files

Started by joehuergo, July 05, 2017, 05:26:31 AM

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I definitely do a good amount of doc diving, but decided I may as well utilize this forum -

I think it'd be very useful to use envelopes as breakpoint files for parameters in various processes. I do know you can create an envelope breakpoint file, I've managed that - of course, the values are all 0 to 1. Is there any utility I dont know of (perhaps specifically in Soundshaper) which facilitates the scaling of the values in the second column? just setting the min val and the max val and perhaps some other parameters (linear or exponential interpolation, etc). if there is a solution to this I am overlooking I'd appreciate a point in the right direction, because man that'd be SUPER duper useful! :)

(it's probably in that data editor, isnt it? I've been meaning to tackle that thing, looks very accommodating)


At least this got me to finally dive in a bit into the data editor. I really like it though! :) And through simple multiplication + adding on the value column, voila, what I wanted. I will suggest this though, Robert Fraser: I believe it would be very useful to add a scale Y values function to the "Scale" button on the T-V parameter window.

Some visual aid...

My idea: clicking "Scale" gives the user the option to scale X (time) or scale Y (vals), perhaps a little window like when you open Graph-Edit and it asks how you wish to scale. Scaling Y requires you enter min and max values (for Y to be scaled to.)

The data you see here is actually an example of what I mean: it was originally a brkpoint envelope file (.env) so of course the val column was originally scaled 0 - 1, as they all are.

I wanted to scale it from 0-1 to 2-50, so I multiplied the column by 48, then added 2. Ideally, I want to be able to just enter a min and max val and let the computer figure out the operations for me.

I see this as an important facility because it would open up great ease for utilizing envelopes in T-V params, which adds endless creative prospects to automating with envelopes.

I'll likely end up making my own little tool for it, because it does seem like a simple task. I'd just very much recommend making it part of Soundshaper, if only just to keep it all in the box! :)

(gonna be a little embarrassed if this is already a feature... but feel free to point it out to me if it is!!)


lol. I feel so silly, I spent a good half hour obsessing over trying to figure out the single formula that would scale a normalized set of values (like breakpoint env values) to a specified min/max. I was overthinking the living christ out of it, then a friend pointed out it's literally just n*(max-min)+min. protip: don't drop out of high school.  :P
well. at least I can write myself a little script now :)