Author Topic: How to use the NESS physical modelling files on Sound Loom for Mac  (Read 6044 times)


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  • Composer, pianist, folklorist.
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this is my first post. Happy to be here and a big hello to everybody! I'm a composer and I am completely new to CDP, which I am just beginning to learn, but I'm surely going to use it for my next piece (among other softwares).
I have my first question…
I work on a Mac. I downloaded Sound Loom from and that page (with regard to the Mac installation, not to the PC one) suggested to download also the executable "ness-brass" in the "_cdprogs" directory, which I did. I downloaded also the "MAC Brass synthesis" code for the Mac from the link on that page and it included many other files (all ending with a ".m" filename extension). I think they are "Instruments" and "Scores", if I understand correctly.
I did not know what to do with these other files (I wasn't able to find any instructions there), so I tried to put them in the same "_cdprogs" directory, and I tried also other places for them. The file "ness-brass" is in the "_cdprogs" directory as expected.
However, whatever I try, when I have Sound Loom opened and I choose, for example, "List Physical Modelling Instruments" from Music Testbed > Physical Modelling, I see only a warning: "No physical modelling data on your system".
Where should I put these other files (those ending with ".m") and how can I use the Physical Modelling features on a Mac?

Thank you in advance for any help. - Composer, pianist, folklorist.
Mac OS X, Sound Loom for Mac, Soundshaper (via Wine).