Grainmill error

Started by mesayre, July 05, 2016, 07:48:57 PM

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Hey all,
   Completely possible I'm doing this wrong, but I'm not able to get Grainmill to produce any output. I get the following error using the default settings.

"Error creating temporary file. Check available disk space."

I've tried changing my working directory and running GrainMill directly from the CDP progs folder, as administator. Still the same error. Any tips on what I might be doing wrong?




Ahh, hello Grainmill my old friend, haven't used that since my old PC died.

I can confirm the same problem on a Vmware Fusion virtual W7 pro machine.

Hopefully Richard D will be along soon to advise



Thanks for the response. I was digging around to see if there was a newer version that might resolve the problem, and I found a demo of version 1.11. It seems to work! But it's a demo so the you can't save the output.


It will be helpful to know what version of Windows is presenting the problem. I only have XP and Win7 machines at home.

The first thing to check is if the path to the temporary file is correct/legal - this is shown in the Settings dialog. It should show something like: C:\Users\Richard\AppData\Local\Temp; but can be set to anything suitable (best to avoid paths with spaces in, but I can't state offhand whether that actually matters for Grainmill - in theory it should not).


Hi Richard,
Win 7 x64 Pro  here ( running virtual machine, that is otherwise functioning, in Vmware on a Mac,)
Just tried again with various directories, none with spaces, still getting the 'Unable to create outfile etc etc' that Mesayre is also finding.

A 32 vs 64 bit thing?

Also strange that demo of 1.11 produces output.
1.2 here.


Problem resolved here with installation of CDP V 7.1

Huzzah, thanks Richard !


Thanks for the responses.

I am using Win 10x64.

The 7.1 update has also resolved the issue for me. Wow, what a great tool!

Thank you,