Embedding CDP - possible to "pipe" input and output files?

Started by sciss, March 11, 2017, 07:25:10 PM

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Hi there,

I'm looking at ways of embedding the CDP programs in an existing system (FScape 2) where they would appear as sort of UGens.
I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to avoid having to write and read temporary audio files for I/O, for example by "piping" the audio input file into the process
and the audio output file from the process. This should work at least on Linux.

Something like this

./modify speed 2 special_in_pipe special_out_pipe 12

I'm pretty optimistic there is some way to get this working in Linux with the existing unmodified shell commands.

For example, I tried to use a named pipe (via mkfifo) as input and write to it from another process, but cdp terminates with

ERROR: File /data/audio_work/my_pipe.aif either has unredable header, or is a textfile with a CDP reserved extension.

(I double checked that the contents written to the pipe is actually a valid AIFF file).

But then perhaps my idea can't work because certain process will need random access instead of serial stream?

Best, .h.h.


This is some first simple attempt (process with 1-in-1-out)

    val sr    = 44100.0
    val lenIn = sr * 10
    val ln    = Line(0, 1, length = lenIn)
    val freq  = ln.linexp(0, 1, 200, 4000)
    val sig   = SinOsc(freq/sr).take(lenIn) * 0.5
    val rvs   = cdp.Modify.Radical.Reverse(sig)   // inject CDP here
    val fOut  = file("/data") / "audio_work" / "reverse.aif"
    val aOut  = AudioFileOut(file = fOut, spec = AudioFileSpec(sampleRate = sr, numChannels = 1), in = rvs)
    aOut.last.poll(0, "frames-written")



It's an interesting question that I have been asking myself while redesigning FScape. Eventually my conclusion was that one can distinguish types of processes

- those that require random access or repeated access to some input data
- those that can use a linear input stream but require stream information such as total input length
- those that can use a linear input stream blindly (typical of DSP processes that otherwise run in real-time)
- and the same for the output ports

So, yes, in the general case the assumption would have to be that input and output must be fully buffered. That's how I implemented the PoC right now.


This will not be possible sadly. Unix pipes work on "stdio streams", e.g. when a program outputs text to the console or receives text input from a keyboard. In those cases the running output of one program ("stdout") can be piped to the input ("stdin") of the second. CDP programs on the other had work strictly with soundfiles - nominally an "offline" musique-concrete approach. An output soundfile is not in any way a "temporary" file, it is just that, the output soundfile.

Thus any third-party program or application that spawns a CDP program must both provide all the required command line arguments and wait for and check for the program to finish, before making use of the output.