CDP and Audiosculpt comparison

Started by flilu, August 10, 2015, 12:02:26 PM

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Whilst studying in France 15-20 years ago we used Audiosculpt which I found very useful for visualising sounds and using the rubber for rubbing bits out etc. I see that IRCAM decided to continue developping it - they were deciding whether to ditch it in 2000 when I graduated. 'Vocoder' was a word that circulated back then which I understand has now been developed into CDP.
I am now wanting to set up again and CDP seems to be a comparable software which has the advantage of running on PC as well as Mac, which I understand Audiosculpt does not.
My questions are:
Are Audiosculpt and CDP comparable or have I misunderstood this?
Does CDP have this same feature of being able to rub out precise bits of a sonogram? Does anyone here have experience of both?
