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General Board / Re: Recommendations regarding ...
Last post by simonk - September 04, 2024, 06:36:45 PM
Announce / New Soundshaper 6.3 Beta
Last post by Robert Fraser - September 04, 2024, 04:46:42 PM
A Soundshaper upgrade (6.3) for existing users has been released as a Beta-test version. The zip can be downloaded here: and a brief description is given here:

This is not a full release - just a revised exe to put alongside your existing Soundshaper.exe - plus a few supporting documents.

The main change is an improved method for processing part of a file: the CUT-PROCESS-PASTE mechanism is now built in to Soundshaper's scripts, where applicable, so that all you do is to select the portion to be processed, click PROCESS SELECTION, then the process itself, and the whole file is returned with just the processed segment altered.  There is also a new built-in BALANCE function, which can be applied to the whole file or the selected segment. A full description is included in the zip.

Comments and bug reports would be very welcome - either to the Forum or by email.

Mac installation / Re: MIDI input issues
Last post by simonk - September 02, 2024, 06:23:05 PM
Hi iamcyanblue,
I get the same.

Its Soundloom on the Mac that is the problem.
TCL & TK being prety much deprecated on later Mac o/s versions

There is a new Mac GUI in the pipeline but we cannot, at this time, give a release date.
I am sorry, but until that happy day you'll have to put up with SL as it is, not pretty. (at all)

General Board / Re: Recommendations regarding ...
Last post by simonk - September 02, 2024, 06:05:34 PM
Hi Harmonion,
Welcome to the CDP world.

If you look at the CDP homepage you will see 'Learn' in one of the dropdown menus

You might try the Workshops:

or this page, which has lots of links :

We'd love to hear how you get on.
Have fun!
General Board / Recommendations regarding comm...
Last post by harmonion - August 29, 2024, 05:19:30 PM
I've just downloaded CDP version 8 for Windows.
My intention is to code all my audio manipulation exclusively by writing batch files in an ordinary word processor.
I've already read the tutorial webpage entitled "Running the CDP system" and I have no problem understanding what it says.
My question is:
Which part of the documentation would you recommend to read next, if I'm not interested in things like Soundloom or Soundshaper? There are tons of entries in the full command reference and I would rather welcome something like one large piece of text where just some of the syntax would be explained, rather than reading about all the commands/features and having a hard time deciding which ones I would try just for my introductory experiments and which ones I would learn to use later.
Thank you in advance.
Mac installation / MIDI input issues
Last post by iamcyanblue - August 27, 2024, 12:09:32 PM
I'm having issues getting SoundLoom to recognise MIDI input. I've connected my Nord Stage 2 to my MacBook M3 via USB cable. The tv executable is in my _cdprogs folder and when I start SoundLoom, the piano keys button appears in the Workspace/Main Screen, Calculator and relevant parameter fields. I've selected my keyboard in System Setting 2: Midi input device and connected it via Apple's MIDI Studio utility. Key/MIDI signals from the Nord register fine in MIDI Studio and Ableton Live, But SoundLoom isn't recognising it at all. These are the steps I'm following:

1. MIDI settings at the start of the session: Device: Nord Stage 2 Output (Core MIDI); Max No. MIDI Events: 6000; MIDI STOP Trigger = 24 (i.e. lowest key A-3)
2. I click the "Piano Keys" button to start input. Select Pitch and Midi as the values to capture, then click the Get Midi button
3. Dialog box appears: "Waiting for MIDI input. TO STOP, Hit MIDI key = 24". Click OK.
4. An error message appears immediately or after a second: "No Midi Data (_cdpenv/tvout)"

I've tried playing keys on the Nord both before and after clicking OK on the "Waiting for MIDI input screen (step 3), but nothing is recognised as an input.
I looked in _cdpenv/ and there's no file called "tvout"
Mac installation / Re: Crashing on QikEdit and Ma...
Last post by iamcyanblue - August 26, 2024, 11:18:08 AM
Quote from: rwdobson on August 25, 2024, 10:16:28 AM
I am investigating this now - MaxSmp problem confirmed. But it all works as expected on the PC version, while there is no immediate obvious difference in the code (though the Mac did requires many changes to control widget gemetries and behaviour).

Any clue on what's going on with QikEdit? Or will you run into a similar build issue to the MaxSmp fix?
Mac installation / Re: Crashing on QikEdit and Ma...
Last post by iamcyanblue - August 25, 2024, 07:12:17 PM
Thanks for the swift reply!
Mac installation / Re: Crashing on QikEdit and Ma...
Last post by rwdobson - August 25, 2024, 04:03:47 PM
Update: the offending line of code has been found. The most unfortunate news is that I can no longer build a new version of as some of the tcl tools I use are 32bit binaries no longer supported on my machine (Monterey).

I noted there is  no workaround for this bug within Soundloom. However, it is possible to run "maxsamp2" from Terminal. The minimalist syntax is simple:

maxsamp2 cdptest0.wav 1
Mac installation / Re: Crashing on QikEdit and Ma...
Last post by rwdobson - August 25, 2024, 10:16:28 AM
I am investigating this now - MaxSmp problem confirmed. But it all works as expected on the PC version, while there is no immediate obvious difference in the code (though the Mac did requires many changes to control widget gemetries and behaviour).

The message "KEEP:" is the first field in the text string output from "maxsamp2", followed by the amplitude values. It should be parsed and skipped past, but clearly is not on the Mac.

One of the disadvantages of a scripting language such as tcl is that code is never tested for correctness etc until it is used - unlike a stanbdard compiled language such as C, where most syntax or type errors are caught at compile time. Unfortunately, once Soundloom suffers a tcl error, it usually can't recover, there is no workaround, and it just has to be quit and restarted.