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Messages - Aila

hello again
i fixed the onedrive problem. turns out i just needed to put everything onto an external harddisc and delete onedrive. Soundshaper works now too, so you where probably right about it being stored in the cloud being the root of the problem.

thanks a lot for the help, and patience!

hello again,
after I read your previous message i've found out that my computer apperently stores everything automatically in Onedrive, including the folder i downloaded Soundshaper in. Im going to look into it next week.

im quite at a loss as to why it saves everything in Onedrive so if you've got any ideas how stop it i would greatly appreciate it, although i also understand that this isn't what this forum "is for"

I have sent you the soundfile in an email

I hope that it's these you meant,
CDP programs:
C:\Users\kostp\OneDrive\Desktop\Cdp ss\Temp
Hi Robert
i've tried the things mentioned in your previous response, however i still cant get it to work. It  still writes "failed to copy new source file" and then "File doesn't exist".

The way i get the files from Audacity to Soundshaper, is in the same way as you mention in your reply.

I recently downloaded Soundshaper 6. After i had it installed in 2 days i wouldn't open because of "Missing/cant find Bass.ddl files" which i find very odd since the files where in the same folder as the program itself.

i tried reinstalling Soundshaper. this helped partly, now i am able to open it, if i open it directly from the folder i have it in, but it still wont open if drag the program out of the folder. Now there's just another problem. when trying to get soundfiles (Wav. 16bit 44k hz; export from Audacity) into Soundshaper, both when "importing them" and when dragging them, it first shows a message saying "failed to copy new source file" and then "File doesnt exist".

Any guesses to what might be going on?