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Messages - kerotanuk

Pages: [1]
Mac installation / Re: New user - "No _cdp folder found!" upon launch
« on: June 01, 2024, 12:06:31 PM »
thanks rwdobson, I had incorrectly assumed that folder inside my home folder (ie; Documents) would be fine, but I've moved it up a level and it works. Appreciate your quick reply and help : )

Mac installation / New user - "No _cdp folder found!" upon launch
« on: May 28, 2024, 01:50:15 PM »
Hi, M1 user here (running Sonoma), have followed the instructions for the 64-bit Mac installation (the 'cdpr8' folder is in my Documents folder, Ive run the executable command in Terminal - xattr -rc cdpr8 - and lastly I've run 'cdp8install.command'), but am getting the classic "No _cdp folder found!" error.
The '' is inside the 'cdpr8' folder (although I did try all of this with it in Applications), is this a PATH issue? And if so what steps should I try to resolve?

Appreciate any assistance, cheers

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