Quote from: Marcelo Carneiro on April 10, 2016, 03:08:55 PM
Hi, thanks for posting. I have installed everything, followed each step, and everything are pretty sure installed...at least...
Well, I open renoise, open its tools and cdp tool. Try to run a process, but the message is always the same: it cannot produce any output. I wrote the code in the bashrc file: CDP_SOUND_EXT=wav, but it seems not to be working properly. There are no messages insisting that CDP installations is incomplete as before, but I can't output any processed sound. Can you help me with this? I am using Ubuntu Studio 14.03.02 on an HP laptop, and Renoise 3.01 Demo. Thanks
Hi Marcelo,
I apologize for the long delayed reply, I haven't checked in here for a while. Did you ever get the sound processing to work for you ?