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Messages - Phoenix cat

the default directory of saved ana files in Soundloom is C:/cdp8/_cdp, how to change it?
General Board / Re: FOF Strecht Breakpoint Pitch
April 04, 2024, 06:08:33 AM
I have the same problem.
General Board / how to get txt for FOFS?
April 04, 2024, 06:07:38 AM
In Soundloom almost all effects using FoFs requires a txt files for certain parameters. But I dont know what to write in that file. May someone write a default text for that file? Thanks.
Showcase / Re: Two compositions made with CDP
April 01, 2024, 09:51:25 PM
Hi, sounds like abrassive drone music. How is the original audio? I like it.
Showcase / simple composition from a newbie
April 01, 2024, 09:23:58 PM
Hi, I am an experimental noisician. This is my first work using CDP software, is just a sketch but I am publishing to get recomendations from other users since I found very difficult to manage the softwares but I suspect that it has infinite potential to alterate the sound.
So, I am going to explain what I did.
I recorded the audio of this scene from an anime:

in 10 different dubs (italian, english, german, chinese, japanese, french, tagalog, latin spanish, iberic spanish and korean). At first my goal was to create a fussion between two or more langauges for explore the results in terms of accents mixed or variations on voices combinations. So I used Soundloom, then morf and interpolate harmonics. I couldnt find the correct parameters so after run it I click on ok (I know this isnt right but it was the best I could do) I notice that the resulting sound is different if the order of the 2 spec files is also different, so I recorded the error sample in the 90 combinations posibles. After this, I used SoundShaper, spectral, reshape, accumlate and applied this effect in all samples. The parameters was decay 0.01 and no variation on gliss. Through this I got more than 1 hour and half of sound. I compressed the high frequencies and selected the best parts of the samples. After this I ordered it with a criterion that I cant explain but it appears to me that sounds good. It is a long track but it is possible to make and idea of what it is with 5 minutes of listening.

Here it is in wav:

I hope you like it and I expect critics.
maybe is a dumb question but I found very complex the interface of sound shaper. My problem is this: I dont know how to conect 1 file to another to make an hybrid of them. I constantily receive this messages like "there is no A_2", and other things. May someone explain me how to do it? I presume it will resolve other problems with the combinations of 2 files. Thanks.
General Board / How to add infile 2?
August 22, 2023, 02:07:29 PM
hi, I am newbie using Soundshaper 6. I have a problem trying to get results with spectral process. I click on cell a_1 and select in menu "load soundfile", I choose a wav file and it appears not in the cell but in the rectangle up. Then I click cell a_2 and choose another wav file. The second file replaces the first in the rectangle. I click again in cell a_1 and choose SPECTRAL. The situation in all efects is that the infile 2 it isnt choosen, it says "none". So, how to add infile 2? The pink window for load the second file doesnt appears. Please help.
I can do just this "When you select the first file, it will load into cell A_0 by default. Now click on cell B_0 and select the second file.  Click back on A_0. Select the process e.g. COMBINE CROSS (Menu: Spectral> Morph/Formants> Cross), and the red "Second Infile" panel appears for you to select the 2nd infile. Click on cell B_0 to do this ..." when I click on cell B_0, this message appears "source: A_0, this type of cell cannot be edited" what can I do?
thanks Robert Fraser
General Board / Re: CDP Tutorials (in Renoise)
June 16, 2017, 10:53:17 AM
I followed setp by step the installation procedure but when I open renoise, upload a sample, selects it and run the tool for cdp interface , select the cd-prog folder, it works. But I cant figure how to to add the second input file for spectral processes. I am using renoise 3, demo version, it works with mp3 files?
hi i am newbie on cdp soundshaper. I found impossible to process effects that requires two files. When I select the second file source, automatically it deletes the first one. It is drive me crazy. Can someone explain me, step by step, how to perform a cross synthesis for example? I know that requieres to convert wav to ana, but beyond that, I can t figure more. Do I need to use the file pool? buy how? Help please.
I have windows 7, I intalled CDP first and after that I unziped sounshaperlite in the main folder, but when I click soundshape.exe, nothing happens, the comand has no reactions, any sugestion? I am ver ansious for use this software, thanks.