Composers Desktop Project Forum

General Category => General Board => Topic started by: NSA69 on April 16, 2015, 11:04:38 PM

Title: Soundloom n00b #N Texture question
Post by: NSA69 on April 16, 2015, 11:04:38 PM

I'm new to CDP... Just installed everything on my MAC.
I've been following the manual for Soundloom, going through the basic workflow. I've been fiddling around with the simple > neutral texture process, but whenever I try a different one and try to ''make file'' for the 'NOTE DATA', I can't seem to figure out what and how I'm supposed to insert a value where N= in the ''standard feature'' text file...
Could someone screenshot or c&p a simple text file of the process for the 'NOTE DATA' parameter on a non-simple-non-neutral texture process.

Thanks in advance!

Example; (underlined is what I don't know what to put as values)

60 60 60 60
(Notes defining MELODIC LINE to be ornamented, in the form....)
#N    (N = count of notes which will follow)
(Time      Ins-no.    Midi-pitch        Midi-loudness         Duration)
  0.0          1                60.0                  127.0                  1.0
(Notes defining PITCHES IN HARMONIC FIELD or SET, changing in time where field changes, in form...)
#N    (N = count of notes which will follow)
  0.0          1                60.0                  127.0                  1.0
(Notes for AT LEAST ONE ORNAMENT, in the form)
#N    (N = count of notes in 1st ornament, which will follow)
  0.0          1                60.0                  127.0                  1.0
(Followed by similar #N and note-sets defining any further ornaments.)
Title: Re: Soundloom n00b #N Texture question
Post by: lynx on April 17, 2015, 12:24:51 AM
You have the basic idea.  Here's a NOTE DATA example pulled from the CDP manual, which can be used in a process like PROCESS > TEXTURE > of motifs > over harmonic field.

59 60
0.0 1 60 0 0
0.0 1 61 0 0
0.0 1 63 0 0
0.0 1 64 0 0
0.0 1 66 0 0
0.0 1 67 0 0
0.0 1 68 0 0
0.0 1 70 0 0
0.0 1 72 0 0
0.0 1 60 70 0.3
0.1 1 61 50 0.3
0.2 1 66 50 0.3
0.3 1 67 50 0.3
0.4 1 66 50 0.3
0.5 1 67 70 0.3
0.6 1 70 50 0.3
0.7 1 66 50 0.3
0.8 1 72 80 0.3
0.9 1 66 60 0.3
0.0  1 60 40 1.5
0.34 1 67 45 1.5
0.67 1 72 50 1.5

#N specifies the number of event lines in the motif.  So in this example, there are three motifs, with 9, 10, and 3 events, respectively.  Note that time values may be all zero, in this case; although as a rule, time values must be in ascending order if specified or required by the particular mode.
Title: Re: Soundloom n00b #N Texture question
Post by: ArcherCDP on April 17, 2015, 08:23:21 AM
Texture neutral is mode 5 in the documentation.  This means that all the parameter values are given in the command itself rather than the note data file except for the nominal pitch value of the input soundfile or soundfiles.  Thus the note data file would have in it, for example only
Note that the # sign is obligatory.  It is useful to put in a nominal pitch value close to the actual pitch  or pitch region of the soundfile (if the pitch is indeterminate).  This makes transpositions around this point more natural for the soundfile.  Also, first sound & last sound are both 1 because there is only one soundfile.

If you want to have several soundfiles, then you put in several nominal pitch values, such as
#60 60 60 OR
#60 48 72 (if the second one is quite low and the third one higher etc.)
In this case, first sound is 1 and last sound is 3.

To create a harmonic set or a motif as illustrated by the previous reply, introduce them as in the example with the #sign and then the number of lines in the harmony or motif.  The different modes and sub-programs of the Texture set give lots of options, and I have tried to describe both in the main manual and in the Texture Tutorial Workshop.
