CDP Program: envel.exe not found. Please check you CDP programs folder.
When I try to use the flatten function through SoundShaper. I checked that envel.exe is there, where it should be: in _ cdprogs folder of CDP. I think that this is a bug, because I have already selected user data files folder in settings. Other problem: SoundShaper can't remember all the selected folders in settings. (Using Windows 7 64 bit)
"User data files" in Settings is the folder for your own breakpoint and other text files, not for CDP exes. For CDP programs you need to choose the correct folder for "CDP PROGRAMS". As you say, these are normally in ...cdpr7\_cdp\_cdprogs. When the Settings page is updated, click SAVE+EXIT and allow it overwrite the Soundshaper.evt file as necessary. That way, the settings will be in place next time you start the program. You can easily check them after startup if you're not sure.
If the CDP programs folder has been assigned correctly, then I'm sure Soundshaper will find envel.exe if it's in that folder.