Is it possible to get some batch files made for the processes for Osx? Maybe they could run in terminal perhaps?
I’m trying to use cdp without the tediousness, otherwise what is the point of it if it isn’t fun.
Maybe some randomness added to the parameters so you can run the file and get a new thing each time?
Instead of an approach of fine tuning everything with exactness, a more random approach, with less options but quicker results. Thanks
You could take a look at Tabula Vigilans
Huh? This is the issue with cdp, it’s a pain to use.
Has anyone actually used Tabula Vigilans ? Where’s the music if they did?
>Has anyone actually used Tabula Vigilans ? Where’s the music if they did?
There are a few pieces, I'm not the one to quote them here, but maybe you are missing the point.
Because nobody has noticed this unusual & l agree, a somewhat esoteric & difficult thing, is no reason to cast it aside when you are short.
Maybe that's the time to dig in !
You will be pleased to learn that your post has somewhat hastened a number of long-time work/discussions/tutorials on this very subject
Stick around, good things are coming for batch files soon!
I am into work flow, I have to enjoy the process. Maybe a separate program could be made that is more of a see what happens app, where it combines processes in a random way under the hood. For fun.
>I am into work flow, I have to enjoy the process.
I'm absolutely with you there & I agree it takes a certain type of mentality &/or mind set to be at the command line expolring.
Not for every day or to meet a deadline
I did my time before the virtual CMD mast in the ole century when there was no other option to access these fabulous tools. But find myself using it sparingly these days.
If you have a PC take a look at Grainmill if you haven't already. It's a bit old now, but still fun for a granular hit.
Not real time, but these days pretty quick.
>Maybe a separate program could be made that is more of a see what happens app, where it combines processes in a random way under the hood. For fun.
That'd be great.
Unfortunately we (CDP) are drastically short of programming manpower & latest tech on every platform.
And we all have other things to do, so things move quite slowly...mostly.
Happy CDP'ing in 24 !
Hi all,
Practice and experience in the command line brought me to finding the workflow there more efficient than other methods (such as GUIs). It is extremely easy to write batch files for the command line. This is where the power and ease of CDP comes alive for me. More recently I write batch files in Python code which I find even more streamlined given that I can integrate python scripts with other things.