I've just installed CDP on my Mac running OS Ventura 13.5, with a M1 Pro processor.
When I double click the soundloomE file, the system drops the message "soundloomE is damaged and can't be opened. You should ove ti to the Bin".
I did it and downloaded again the file but the error happens again.
I will thanks any idea or suggestion.
This is the usual Gatekeeper response to a non-signed app downloaded from the bet. The solution is described in the README file: run the Terminal command:
xattr -rc /path/to/soundloomE.app
The best and recommended approach is to run xattr on the whole cdpr8 directory inside the Disk image. This will process everything, including soundloomE.app.
I hope that someone will still see and reply to this thread, to which I have been referred.
This command does not work for me. Here is what I get when I type it into the Terminal:
Last login: Mon Nov 18 16:13:13 on ttys000
[user name] ~ % xattr -rc /path/to/soundloomE.app
xattr: No such file: /path/to/soundloomE.app
[user name]~ %
It's there. Why can't the Terminal find it?
Sorry, that is a common shorthand way of representing a not necessarily fixed path. It was not meant to be entered literally. If Soundloom has been copied to the main Applications folder, the path would be simply:
xattr -rc /Applications/soundloomE.app
or if it has been copied to the main cdpr8/_cdp folder in your home directory:
xattr -rc ~/cdpr8/_cdp/soundloomE.app
(the tilde character ~ is a standard shell shorthand for your home directory. It is very useful in this sort of situation so that we don't have to guess what your account name might be, and add to the general confusion. But to complete the picture by typing the path in full, lets say my account name is Carnamagos:
xattr -rc /Users/Carnamagos/cdpr8/_cdp/soundloomE.app
the other way to complete such a command, especially if the target app is several levels down, is to type the command (plus the space):
xattr -rc
and drag the icon of the app to the open Terminal window: the Mac will then add the full path to the command line. This works for any file or folder. Windows does much the same on a PC.
Thank you, rwdobson. The paste command and drag application technique seems to work in part, but then the SoundLoom icon bounces three times, then quits/crashes. Mystery to me!