I cannot seem to locate a download for the GrainMill or BRKEDIT software referenced in a CDP online tutorial (http://www.ensemble-software.net/CDPDocs/htmltuts/grntuts/ae/aebigone.htm).
Does it still exist? ???
I can't speak for the MAC distribution, but the PC set definitely has both programs. Please visit the CDP downloads page to access these.
Ah, thank you -- I see that both are indeed a part of SS.
SL does not appear to have either of these functions, so I was looking for a standalone release of GM and BE.
They are both standalone programs - at least for Windows (not sure if there are MAC versions - I think not). There's also a new build of BrkEdit which should be released fairly soon.
does anyone know where i can find it on mac?
that would be really helpfull!
Hi Otis,
I'm pretty sure that they are PC only, sadly as Grainmill is fun.
I have an old version if Win7 running on VMware that ~can~ run it, but to go there & fiddle around sucks some of the joy out.
I know I shouldn't really be saying this in the CDP forum, but other granular apps are available, especially given your very tight time constraints.
Meanwhile, there are many granular functions within the CDP system. MODIFY SAUSAGE & MODIFY BRASSAGE might suit you.
Have a look through this :