The latest Soundshaper update (5.03) adds support for running Csound scripts, as well as users' own Batch scripts. The Csound scripts can either be for synthesis, writing to an output file, or for sound processing, with one or more input files. (Real-time output is not supported at present.)
The inputs and outputs are integrated within Soundshaper patches (process chains), i.e. a Csound process can precede or follow a CDP process, and the overall patch can be saved and recalled. Taken together, CDP and Csound cover a vast range of audio processes and a huge number of Csound examples are readily available, particularly for synthesis, which by comparison is a bit thin within CDP.
The update also includes Csound's implementation of Paulstretch (extreme time-stretching), hard-coded as a "normal" process with parameter control. I will be looking for other opcodes and scripts that would be worth integrating in this way and would welcome any suggestions and feedback.
I've found some issues over filenames in saving patches involving Csound. Will post a revised version a.s.a.p.
Following some changes to the Csound provision (and other bugs), a revised version (5.04) is now available.
This includes access to the online CDP documentation from the program. (R.F. 8/05/19)