I'm getting the error "Application doesn't work with this type of infile" regardless of whether my files are 1 or 2 channels. Here's an example.
++++++++++++++ Start command output ++++++++++++++
## 2 channel input file
marqrdt$ strange shift 1 SingingBowlHit01.wav SingingBowlHit01-shifted.wav -1000 -l
Application doesn't work with this type of infile.
marqrdt$ sndfile-info SingingBowlHit01.wav
File : SingingBowlHit01.wav
Length : 4203184
RIFF : 4203176
fmt : 16
Format : 0x1 => WAVE_FORMAT_PCM
Channels : 2
Sample Rate : 44100
Block Align : 4
Bit Width : 16
Bytes/sec : 176400
data : 4203140
Sample Rate : 44100
Frames : 1050785
Channels : 2
Format : 0x00010002
Sections : 1
Seekable : TRUE
Duration : 00:00:23.827
Signal Max : 30200 (-0.71 dB)
## I can de-interleave it into a pair of single channel files...
marqrdt$ sndfile-deinterleave SingingBowlHit01.wav
Input file : SingingBowlHit01
Output files :
marqrdt$ strange shift 1 SingingBowlHit01_00.wav SingingBowlHit01-shifted.wav -1000 -l
Application doesn't work with this type of infile.
## sndfile-info tells me it's 1 channel. File size is about half, which seems to confirm.
marqrdt$ sndfile-info SingingBowlHit01_00.wav
File : SingingBowlHit01_00.wav
Length : 2101614
RIFF : 2101606
fmt : 16
Format : 0x1 => WAVE_FORMAT_PCM
Channels : 1
Sample Rate : 44100
Block Align : 2
Bit Width : 16
Bytes/sec : 88200
data : 2101570
Sample Rate : 44100
Frames : 1050785
Channels : 1
Format : 0x00010002
Sections : 1
Seekable : TRUE
Duration : 00:00:23.827
Signal Max : 30192 (-0.71 dB)
++++++++++++++ End command output ++++++++++++++
I get this for pretty much any command I run. I'm running on OS High Sierra 10.13.2 running the cdpr71mac-07-16 distribution. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, as this toolkit appears to be quite powerful.
Paul M.
Strange, like many other CDP programs, works on "spectral files", i.e. those generated using pvoc (.ana file extension), not directly on PCM sound files.
Thank you. I'm working my way through the docs which show how to create and use them. :D