With all due respect, this part of the Macintosh instructions is not clear--at least, not to this non-programmer.
I created the requested text file and saved it to my home directory. I then launched the Terminal, entered the required command, and got the following message:
user-1087qbr:~ xxx$ sudo cp launchd.conf /etc
cp: launchd.conf: No such file or directory
I have no idea what I am doing wrong here. Please advise. Thank you.
Actually, I am not doing anything right. I have Sound Loom installed, but it is not remembering anything I do when I open and close sessions. I followed the manual instructions to the letter, at least as best I understood them, but nothing appears in the Terminal.
Is this forum the proper place to sort this out, or should I contact someone privately? I am musician, not a programmer, and it is obvious that I am going to need a lot of hand-holding to get this working on my system.
your forgot the dot in front of the path, you saved your file under the name ".launchd.conf" right ?
I just solved what might be your issue tonight. Basically TextEdit was adding it's own extension of ".rtf" or ".txt" to the file.
I had to use the terminal to rename the file and remove the extension you don't want. It then worked as expected.
This is the terminal command.
mv oldfilename newfilename
You can figure out what it's actually named by showing all filename extensions in the Finder preferences or by listing the directory using Terminal:
ls -a
Hope this helps.
Thanks very much to use and umfufu. Your replies are very helpful, and I think I've finally got it sorted out. I hope this will remain a useful reference thread for future Mac users who encounter a similar problem.