Hi All,
I've downloaded Soundloom for Mac (CDP7 release) and when I double-click the app I get a message that:
"soundloom" is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the Trash.
However, I can run the application from the terminal if I execute:
I am using OSX 10.9. Also, I did install the CDP tools and documentation before trying to run soundloom.
Looking at:
I thought to run the following:
Steven-Yis-MacBook-Pro:Contents stevenyi$ spctl --assess /Applications/soundloom.app
/Applications/soundloom.app: invalid Info.plist (plist or signature have been modified)
I haven't quite figured out yet how to put in an exemption, but decided just to report for now. Has anyone else ran into this?
maybe on mavericks its the same issue with running the uncompiled version of soundloom like on snow leopard. for me on snow leo it worked like this:
go to the not working soundloom app in the finder, then right click on "show contents" and put it in to your programme folder or where you want it to run from..
Yes, this is the standard message from the Sandbox mechanism, for any app not downloaded from the AppStore or otherwise "signed". As noted, this "protection" (which we would have to pay for) does not extend to command line tools, which might lead one to suspect this is as much a marketing tool as a serious attempt to protect users. The only practicable solution at present is to got to Preferences->Security... and enable "allow .. from anywhere".
Thanks Richard,
I was able to:
1. Turn off security for all apps
2. Double-Click app, receive prompt if I want to run it, say okay, app runs
3. Turn security back on for all apps
4. App is now able to load even though security is back on