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Mac installation / Re: New user - "No _cdp folder found!" upon launch
« Last post by kerotanuk on June 01, 2024, 12:06:31 PM »
thanks rwdobson, I had incorrectly assumed that folder inside my home folder (ie; Documents) would be fine, but I've moved it up a level and it works. Appreciate your quick reply and help : )
PC Installation / Re: Linux - unable to find pa_ringbuffer.h when building
« Last post by rwdobson on June 01, 2024, 10:19:39 AM »
Caveat: sadly I am far from an expert on CMake. Yes, this is a strange problem. I have not been able to reproduce it here (Ubuntu, full portaudio install). I am assuming you are using the latest code set from github.

It does seem that CMake can get in a bit of a muddle, and the time-honoured solution has been to delete the whole CMakeFiles directory (in the 'paplay" directory inside the main 'build' directory set up before running Cmake for the first time). This will force CMake (when you  run 'make' in the build directory) to reconstruct all the internal config files, reading CMakeLists.txt to do so. You can inspect CMake's record of all target include files by checking the file CMakeFiles/paplay.dir/paplay.c.o.d. A quick way to reach this is using 'grep' recursively in, say, the paplay directory:

grep -R pa_ringbuffer .

Alternatively, run this from the build directory itself, which should find the instances for recsf, paplay, pvplay (four source files in all).

It is also useful to remember that you can run 'make' on a single target program to check it (e.g.: 'make paplay'), no need to run through the whole program set each time.

General Board / Re: Command Line
« Last post by Robert Fraser on May 31, 2024, 10:09:16 PM »
There are quite a lot of Command Line and Batch-file examples within the CDP Documentation, but they're not catalogued as such, so are maybe not easy to find (something we can look into).

However, I've thrown together a very basic tutorial on the Command Line and batch files, with examples, and put it here:
It also refers to a more detailed document in the CDP documentation and also a couple of useful websites.
This is for Windows. Bash scripts for MacOS are very similar and more versatile, I think.

Batch scripts can be very useful for repeating standard tasks with variations of parameter values and sound files.
General Board / Command Line
« Last post by Cantrip1957 on May 30, 2024, 02:38:42 PM »
Hi All

What is the best way to learn how to operate CDP at the Command Line? I like the idea of running batch files. I use the SoundShaper and Process pack
a lot but, just for my own learning (is it more efficient than the GUIs?) I'd like to know how to get up to speed with the Command Line.

Mac installation / Re: New user - "No _cdp folder found!" upon launch
« Last post by rwdobson on May 28, 2024, 09:34:58 PM »
CDP has only a fixed standard or "default" installation, which is in the user's home directory (as provided by the command shell "zsh" each time the Terminal app is launched, or a new shell Window is opened). The all-important PATH configuration assumes this. In the Finder is is shown by the little house icon, with the name chosen when running the machine for the first time -  = your User Name. Putting the whole CDPr8 folder in /Documents means that the PATH for command line users is then wrong, likewise also the file which tells Soundloom where the software is - hence the error messages. This can be fixed by hand editing the required hidden text files (see the document "Manual Install" for details), but we would strongly recommend that for the usual case of a single user on a single machine the software is indeed installed as per the README file etc, in your home directory. Whatever the CDP system might be, it is not "a document", and therefore "Documents" is not an appropriate location for it all.
Mac installation / New user - "No _cdp folder found!" upon launch
« Last post by kerotanuk on May 28, 2024, 01:50:15 PM »
Hi, M1 user here (running Sonoma), have followed the instructions for the 64-bit Mac installation (the 'cdpr8' folder is in my Documents folder, Ive run the executable command in Terminal - xattr -rc cdpr8 - and lastly I've run 'cdp8install.command'), but am getting the classic "No _cdp folder found!" error.
The '' is inside the 'cdpr8' folder (although I did try all of this with it in Applications), is this a PATH issue? And if so what steps should I try to resolve?

Appreciate any assistance, cheers
PC Installation / Linux - unable to find pa_ringbuffer.h when building
« Last post by pes on May 28, 2024, 12:12:22 PM »
Attempting to build on linux from the latest source on github.

I've tried building following the instructions in the building.txt file. When I run the final 'make' command it fails at 99% with an error that it can't find pa_ringbuffer:
Code: [Select]
src/CDP8/dev/externals/paprogs/paplay/paplay.c:75:10: fatal error: pa_ringbuffer.h: No such file or directory
   75 | #include "pa_ringbuffer.h"

I am very noobish with cmake, but I had a look in the CMakeLists.txt file and it has this, which contains the folder where the pa_ringbuffer.h file is (..portaudio/src/common):
Code: [Select]
include_directories(../../include ../include ../portaudio/include ../portaudio/src/common /usr/local/include)
Anyone know why it's complaining it can't find it? I've also tried copying it into one of the other folders (../include) and it still says it can't find it.
Any ideas?
PC Installation / cant import files
« Last post by besb1n on May 27, 2024, 05:35:39 AM »
i cant import any .wav files. i get an error message "Failed to copy new source file." then "File does not exist."

tried changing my temp folder but it didnt do anything. any help would be appreciated.
General Board / Re: tabula vigilans
« Last post by simonk on May 12, 2024, 05:51:52 PM »
You may have already found this -

 I think Archer has used TV quite a bit, I'll ask.


General Board / tabula vigilans
« Last post by sonora on May 12, 2024, 03:58:30 PM »
is there a tutorial for learning tabula vigilans?

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