Have you resolved the issue with accessing audio data? On Renoise the processing speed once the data is in the Lua side is quite fast, I don't think it uses LuaJit either, I run it on 64bit Mac Osx, I think the implementation is using LuaBind.. not sure if that makes a difference..
The speed seems fairly decent even with per-sample accesses. (In the gif animation it generates 10 seconds of 4 channel audio in about 0.3 seconds, so about 30x real time and probably a bit faster too if the overhead of creating the buffer and writing it to disk wouldn't be taken into account.)
However, I suppose for a scripting environment it would be useful in any case to have a bit higher level operations available. So instead of multiplying or adding samples etc one by one, one would have functions like :
buf:addFrom(bufToAddFrom, startChan, endChan, startSample, endSample, gainFactor)
buf:applyEnvelope(startChan,endChan, {{0,0.0},{44100.0,1.0},{88200,0.0}})
(Those are just imaginary examples, the actual API would need to be designed more carefully.)
I did also add the disk file access into the scripted DSP node, but I think that should also do resampling of the audio into a target sample rate, so that the scripts don't need to bother dealing with that for simple use cases. (At the moment I just did a simple wrapping of the JUCE MemoryMappedAudioFormatReader.)