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Mac installation / Re: Batch files?
« Last post by sleestack on January 03, 2024, 06:05:14 PM »
I am into work flow, I have to enjoy the process. Maybe a separate program could be made that is more of a see what happens app, where it combines processes in a random way under the hood. For fun.
Mac installation / Re: Batch files?
« Last post by simonk on January 02, 2024, 07:59:16 PM »
>Has anyone actually used Tabula Vigilans ? Where’s the music if they did?

There are a few pieces, I'm not the one to quote them here, but maybe you are missing the point.
Because nobody has noticed this unusual & l agree, a somewhat esoteric & difficult thing, is no reason to cast it aside when you are short.
Maybe that's the time to dig in !

You will be pleased to learn that your post has somewhat hastened a number of long-time work/discussions/tutorials on this very subject

Stick around, good things are coming for batch files soon!


Mac installation / Re: Batch files?
« Last post by sleestack on January 02, 2024, 07:33:27 PM »
Huh? This is the issue with cdp, it’s a pain to use. 
Has anyone actually used Tabula Vigilans ? Where’s the music if they did?

Mac installation / Re: Batch files?
« Last post by simonk on December 31, 2023, 03:52:34 PM »

You could take a look at Tabula Vigilans

Mac installation / Batch files?
« Last post by sleestack on December 30, 2023, 08:04:28 PM »
Is it possible to get some batch files made for the processes for Osx?  Maybe they  could run in terminal perhaps?

I’m trying to use cdp without the tediousness, otherwise what is the point of it if it isn’t fun.
Maybe some randomness added to the parameters so you can run the file and get a new thing each time?
Instead of an approach of fine tuning everything with exactness,  a more random approach, with less options but quicker results. Thanks
Mac installation / Re: CDPv8 and M1
« Last post by Seán on December 11, 2023, 01:54:35 AM »
Hi all,

Apologies for the delay pmj. You are correct that is exactly the bit of ssfunc.h throwing the error. You could just comment out or delete the if function;


#define MSBFIRST        (1)
#define LSBFIRST        (1)

/* RWD extended set of symbols ! Now works for Mac universal Binary build */
/*#if defined(__I86__) || defined(_X86_) || defined(__x86_64) || defined(__i386__) || defined(__i486__) || defined(_IBMR2)/*
/*#undef MSBFIRST/*
/*#elif defined(M68000) || defined(__sgi) || defined (__POWERPC__)/*
/*#undef LSBFIRST/*
/*#error  "Unknown byte order for this processor"/*

#if defined(MSBFIRST) && defined(LSBFIRST)
#error  "Internal: can't be both MSB and LSB"


Basically from here in the code you should have defined LSBFIRST as the byte order. I dont have access to the same machine I was trying this on at the moment, but I am 90% sure that is what I did.

#define LSBFIRST        (1)

-on it s own would do it too

Richard –me and Nando were talking when we trying to figure this out and I guess it essentially is dead? But there definitely could be some Power PC users still out there still given the flexibility of CDP and the hard to reach places you might find users? Thanks Richard for the invitation to communicate directly on Git!

pmj the new releases should work out of the box for you on M2 also? With a regular installation.

All the best,
Mac installation / Re: soundloomE file damaged
« Last post by rwdobson on November 26, 2023, 11:06:43 PM »
This is the usual Gatekeeper response to a non-signed app downloaded from the bet. The solution is described in the README file: run the Terminal command:

xattr -rc /path/to/

The best and recommended approach is to run xattr on the whole cdpr8 directory inside the Disk image. This will process everything, including
Mac installation / soundloomE file damaged
« Last post by Alejandro on November 26, 2023, 10:50:22 PM »
I've just installed CDP on my Mac running OS Ventura 13.5, with a M1 Pro processor.
When I double click the soundloomE file, the system drops the message "soundloomE is damaged and can't be opened. You should ove ti to the Bin".
I did it and downloaded again the file but the error happens again.
I will thanks any idea or suggestion.
Mac installation / Re: CDP 7?
« Last post by simonk on November 26, 2023, 04:32:25 PM »
I'm not sure why you might want V7 as all the old stuff is still there in V8 I believe.
However, do you want the original install for V7 or the V711 update?

Mac installation / CDP 7?
« Last post by Trog on November 26, 2023, 12:36:40 PM »

I know that CDP 8 is all the rage at the moment but can someone point me to the latest Mac binaries for CDP 7?

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