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Messages - Robert Fraser

Your question highlights CDP's rather piecemeal approach to mixing.  Mixfiles are not the answer: the syntax gives each sound a level, pan position and start-time, but you cannot stop the sound early or start part-way into the file. Extend Sequence 2 is quite like a mix and gives each sound an overall duration, so it can be stopped early, but not started late. It specifies level, but not pan-position.

Submix Merge mixes only two sounds, but you can specify a stagger value (soundfile2 enters stagger seconds after soundfile 1) and/or a skip time (start mixing sound 2 at skip seconds into the file). You can also specify overall start and end times, but not the end time for each sound. The function has no level controls. Conversely, Submix Faders has a time-varying level control for each sound as well as an overall envelope for the mix, so this could be used to fade sounds in and out, but it has no control over individual start times.

Finally, Soundshaper has a Premix function, which is a composite of pan, level and start-time (which prefixes silence). It can be applied to each sound before mixing with e.g. Submix Mergemany. Currently, it only deals with the whole soundfile, but it might be possible to develop further controls in the future.
Announce / Soundshaper 4.4.1 released
December 22, 2015, 08:57:03 PM
A revised Soundshaper (4.4.1) can be downloaded from:
Simply unpack and replace your existing Soundshaper.exe (4.4).

The new version (hopefully) fixes two scripting bugs. The first affected the following CDP functions -
- if the second Infile had already been converted to its native type (.for / .frq / .trn), instead of being auto-converted from a .wav or .ana file by Soundshaper.

The second bug was a typo (an extra '+') that got written into the scripts. This affected:
These functions mostly generate pseudo-soundfiles for viewing.
Many thanks to shwood for uncovering a couple of scripting bugs in Soundshaper!

The first issue (Put Formants etc.) needed an extra condition in the script. It didn't arise if Soundshaper auto-converted Infile 2 from a .wav or .ana cell.  The second issue raised (View Formants etc.) was just a typo -- an extra '+' getting into the script.

A revised Soundshaper.exe (4.4.1) can be downloaded from here:

Simply unpack and replace your existing Soundshaper.exe (4.4).
Announce / Soundshaper now a free download
September 11, 2015, 01:03:14 PM
I am pleased to announce the release of Soundshaper 4.4 as a free download!

Much of the Soundshaper code has been re-written, including the batchfile scripts used to run CDP processes. Almost 100% of these now accept multi-channel as well as mono/stereo input and incorporate the automatic conversion of CDP file types wherever possible. Many more processes now support different parameter sets per channel.

For those not familiar with the program, Soundshaper is built around a multi-process patch grid, supporting up to 16 different processing streams. Soundshaper uses temporary files, so that it is not necessary to save files at every stage, only those you want to keep.  New in version 4.4 is not having to save source files with a patch, so that the patch saves a complete history of a processing sequence in a compact form. Patches are fully editable and can be run with different sources. The text History function has also been updated to record parameter values more clearly.

Also new in 4.4 is bulk processing, implemented as a copy-row variant. A few mouse clicks load a list of sources to the patch grid and apply them to a process or row of processes. Another new feature is a composite process called Premix: a sound is given a prefixed delay, level and pan, ready for CDP mix processes that don't use a mix file. The dedicated Mix page has also been overhauled, again with aim of making mixing easier.

Soundshaper Pro and Lite have been withdrawn. The new Soundshaper is technically still a Beta-test version, and bug reports would be welcome. E-mail support is still available for registered Pro users (only) and the registration mechanism has been retained to enable possible installation on a new computer. New registrations are not possible, however; this situation might change if CDP is willing to adopt paid support. Existing registered users can also try out the forthcoming Patch To Cell facility, due for general release in the next version.

Full details and downloads are available at A more detailed description of Soundshaper can be read here:
I've tried to duplicate this problem, but without success. I wonder if you're working with an old version?  I downloaded from the Unstable-Sound link for Soundshaper Lite and the current self-extracting file is not called Soundshape.exe but SoundshaperLite2-4.exe. I suggest you download again.

I copied this file from inside the zip (in Downloads) into \cdpr7 and double-clicked SoundshaperLite2-4.exe. It set up a folder called SoundshaperLite2.4. You then double-click SoundshaperLite.exe and enter the base CDP folder name when it asks for this. Mine was not the default C:\cdpr7, so I typed my correct path E:\CDP\cdpr7 in the edit box (rather than navigate through the folder tree, which seems to have no way of getting to E:\ rather than C:\ ). It then produces a default settings file (Soundshaper.evt), which you can further edit in Options/Settings) .

If this doesn't work, please e-mail me directly: e-mail link can be found at
Announce / Soundshaper (4.4) Beta-test release
June 14, 2015, 02:55:52 PM
A new Beta-test version of Soundshaper (4.4) is now available from my website: The program has been extensively revised to write and run entirely new scripts, which incorporate automatic conversion of CDP file-types and are almost completely channel-independent (running with mono, stereo or multi-channel input). One of the goals behind the revisions is to be able to run a whole multi-process patch within one cell. (For non-Soundshaper users, a cell normally runs one process.) Though this feature is not fully coded yet, enough of it is working for users to try it out.

Registered users of Soundshaper (Pro) are encouraged to download and test-run the new version, and feed back bug reports (by e-mail please). The release is not a full distribution, but assumes you have version 4.3 (preferably 4.3.13) installed on the same machine. This allows for sharing of text files and presets and also for comparison between 4.4 and the last release, if something appears to have become broken.

Following testing, Soundshaper 4.4 will be released as unregistered freeware and Soundshaper Lite will be withdrawn. The new cell-patch feature is intended for version 4.5, but currently registered users will still be able to access it (as 4.5 Alpha or Beta) before 4.5 is released.
"User data files" in Settings is the folder for your own breakpoint and other text files, not for CDP exes. For CDP programs you need to choose the correct folder for "CDP PROGRAMS". As you say, these are normally in ...cdpr7\_cdp\_cdprogs.  When the Settings page is updated, click SAVE+EXIT and allow it overwrite the Soundshaper.evt file as necessary. That way, the settings will be in place next time you start the program. You can easily check them after startup if you're not sure.

If the CDP programs folder has been assigned correctly, then I'm sure Soundshaper will find envel.exe if it's in that folder.

Sorry for the delay in replying.  I've now been able to set up Soundshaper Lite on a Windows 64-bit machine, and have had no problems with drag+drop.

I suspect the error message may be a default one which is really saying: "I don't know where your TEMP folder is".
Please check Options | Settings and check that you have designated a folder as the TEMP and that this folder actually exists. I would recommend having TEMP as a subfolder of CDPR7, not of SoundshaperLite, though I can't see that it would make any difference where it is, as long as there are no gaps in the Path.

I've also installed Lite on my 64-bit Win8.1 laptop, and again, there have been no problems with drag+drop.
sleestack reply #16

The FireMonkey platform I'm planning to use supports iOS (for ipad) and also Android. So in theory this is a possibility.
Sorry I missed this thread until now. Actually I have already begun what I hope will become  a Mac port of Soundshaper. The programming language I use (Delphi) is now strongly cross-platform, so that is no longer a problem. But the program first needs to be revised to use a different cross-platform framework (Fire Monkey) from that currently in use. This requires the use of different graphics components and finding Mac substitutes for any unsupported Windows-specific functions. (Alternatively, the free Lazarus IDE, which also supports Linux, may be considered.) Another issue is that I don't own a Mac (!), though the revised program can be developed on Windows and then compiled and tested on a borrowed Mac.

The starting point for the project has been to redesign the batch scripting used to run CDP command-lines and consequently to tidy up the way Soundshaper writes these scripts. The motive for this is to put a whole Soundshaper patch (sequence of processes) into a single cell, i.e. to run it as if one process. This means it must be able to to run with any input sound(s). So far, the scripts are independent of file-type (.wav/.ana/.frq etc.), incorporating any required conversions, and input channels (working with mono or multi-channel). The next step is to write and test Mac and Linux equivalents of these.

Another motive is to reconsider the CDP portfolio supported by Soundshaper. There is room for some pruning, and re-casting others as composite processes â€" e.g. PANORAMA writes a mix file, but I suspect most users would prefer if it ran the mix as well. What may well emerge is a more selective GUI, free and cross-platform. 

Lynx (reply #8) - I haven't investigated WINE on Mac yet (not having a Mac) though I will look into this as a possibility for Linux. I would assume, though, that compiling native code for a platform is always the best solution.
PC Installation / Latest Soundshaper builds
March 05, 2014, 08:10:42 PM
Since Soundshaper 4.3 and Lite 2.41 were released for CDP7, there have been a number of important bugfixes, listed in KnownIssues.txt (available on my website):

Users are urged to download the latest build from: (see PATCHES section).
Most people need only replace Soundshaper.exe.

There is also a possible problem with listaudevs (list audio-devices), which was reportedly hanging and preventing access to Soundshaper settings. Listaudevs has recently been re-built (see Richard Dobson's post) and this may fix the problem, but if not, a workaround would be simply to rename this program until a more permanent solution has been implemented. Soundshaper will then read the devices from Paplay instead.

PC Installation / Installing Soundshaper
February 16, 2014, 06:55:58 PM
The CDP downloads page has a link to the Soundshaper GUI, either:

• Please install CDP first.
• Take a note of your base CDP-folder, for example C:\cdpr7 .
• SoundshaperLite is a free product, but Pro requires a licence
  which you can get from the CDP website.
• Unzip the Soundshaper zip (anywhere) and launch the setup exe
  e.g. SoundshaperLite2-4.exe or Soundshaper4-3.exe.
• When asked, enter the base CDP-folder (e.g. C:\cdpr7) as the one to unzip to.

• Navigate to the newly created Soundshaper folder, e.g.
  C:\cdpr7\SoundshaperLite2.4 (Lite) or C:\cdpr7\Soundshaper4.3 (Pro)
  and double-click on SoundshaperLite.exe (Lite) or Soundshaper.exe (Pro)
• Select folders:
  (1) CDP-base folder, e.g. C:\cdpr7
  (2) CDP programs folder, e.g. C:\cdpr7\_cdp\_cdprogs
  (3) CDP DOCS folder, e.g. C:\cdpr7\DOCS

• The program will launch and you can visit the Settings Page (Option>Settings)
  at any time to modify the above folders and add other settings.
• Pro only: please visit the Registration Page (Help>Registration)
  and follow the instructions for registering the program.

Any problems, please e-mail me at

Robert Fraser