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PC Installation / Re: Some dsp processes missing
« Last post by Robert Fraser on December 04, 2022, 09:23:13 PM »
>I do get a lot of errors saying that it can't find the dsp process , and or that a new version of CDP is coming out and the process can't be executed

Your screenshot shows a message which comes up when there's a CDP error. Some of these can be rather obscure, but they're mostly down to incorrect parameter settings. When they occur, they are beyond the scope of Soundshaper and derive from the underlying CDP software. Your settings of a frequency split at 500Hz should normally be OK. (I've just tested it with a stereo input, with no problems.) I'm not aware of specific problems with Accumulate; however, if you want to send me the details of the sound source and parameter values used, I'll be happy to look into it.

I'm sorry you've had the inconvenience of not being able to access the forthcoming CDP8 processes yet, but unfortunately CDP8 is not quite ready for general release. In a further release of Soundshaper (6.03), which should out any day now, menu items which lead to a CDP8 process have been disabled. (A tiny number of CD8 functions, which are implemented as modes of an existing process, may still generate the message you quote, however.)   

Regarding the tutorial - clearly these things are written at different times by different authors and the descriptions can unfortunately become a little outdated. The CDP Distort suite deals with wavesets (as described in the documentation and help screens) and it was felt that this menu title better reflected the waveset functions as a whole. We do try to keep the documentation up to date, though, and thank you for pointing out this discrepancy.
PC Installation / Some dsp processes missing
« Last post by gentleclockdivider on December 04, 2022, 05:35:15 PM »
I have been using the CDP processes from within renoise , I used a dedicated dir with the cdp progs  .
Recently I nstalled soundshaper 6 with a new version of CDP ,
I do get a lot of errors saying that it can't find the dsp process , and or that a new version of CDP is coming out and the process can't be executed
Also preview for accum and other processes are  not always working 

Example , Soundfile>>REORDER >>STUTTER

Gives this

Also , follwing tutorial nr 1 , it learly states in the pdf

(SS: Soundfiles > Distort cycles > Pitch warp)

Over here in soundshaper 6 there  is no process called distort cycles , pitch warp
The closest resemblance is Soundfiles >>Wavesets>>WARP PITCH :transpose waveset
Is this part of a new naming convention ?
Showcase / Two compositions made with CDP
« Last post by Exiannyc on November 28, 2022, 12:48:41 AM »
Hi, here's my first 2 compositions made with CDP.  They both focus mainly on using Time Stretch and Accumulate to slow down short samples from my modular synth setup 25 or 50 or 120 times.

All of my work is based on recursive modulation, which is why I chose the artist name Ouroboral for this kind of work.

The first piece is 8 minutes long and the second is about an hour and 15 minutes.  (Once you slow sounds down 120x, long compositions become a real possibility!)

All of my work tends to be experimental, meditative, and sometimes abrasive.  That's another way of saying that I realize not everybody will feel like it's their kind of thing.

I'd love to hear other people's efforts.

I was sad to see that the links to SoundCloud tracks that other people posted are not working anymore. I hope they'll post new links (or new work!).

all best regards to everybody.

Showcase / Re: Soundshaper video 2 - Spectral Morphing
« Last post by Exiannyc on November 28, 2022, 12:31:39 AM »
Hi everybody and thank you Simon for posting this.

As you see I'm trying to share what small knowledge of CDP I've cobbled together so far with whoever might be interested on YouTube.

Robert Fraser gave me some corrections and I was happy to post those into the video description.

Life is hectic right now so it might be a while before I get a chance to make another CDP video but I continue to be very grateful for everyone's hard work on this valuable resource.

all best regards

Showcase / Soundshaper video 2 - Spectral Morphing
« Last post by simonk on November 17, 2022, 04:06:54 PM »
Another great video

Thanks for your enthusiasm Christian !
Showcase / Soundshaper video intro
« Last post by simonk on October 25, 2022, 09:36:57 PM »
Here's a great start to Soundshaper

Thanks Christian !
Announce / Soundshaper 6
« Last post by Robert Fraser on September 09, 2022, 04:33:05 PM »
Soundshaper 6 has now been released.  This is a major upgrade, designed to improve workflow.

The main changes are to the parameter page, which now has a preview facility, allowing the user to quickly experiment with and compare many different parameter settings before choosing one. It also has a soundfile display, mirroring that on the Main Page, with loop and marker times that can be transferred to and from breakpoint data files. There is a tighter integration with the Graph-Edit page, which also has a soundfile display. Full details of the new features are supplied with the program, and the manual has also been revised.

To download the program, please visit
General Board / Re: Changing WORKSPACE Location in Sound Loom
« Last post by rodolphe on August 03, 2022, 03:18:31 PM »
Hello, I would have the same question, but updated for the present day on a MAC machine?
I have "set directory for CDP programs" in the Sound Loom, but it does not change the workspace location...
General Board / Re: SFEDIT CUTMANY
« Last post by Seán on July 21, 2022, 01:39:15 PM »

I think I have isolated the problem trying different variations in paths, trying to eliminate various possibilities. As far as I can see, the problem for me is that if the outfile is a path greater than or equal to 6 directories deep it fails. In this case it just ouptuts the first slice. For example when these are paths for outfile;

/Users/seanodalaigh/Documents/composition/2022/ - - - > this works fine

/Users/seanodalaigh/Documents/composition/2022/BLUE/ - - - > this fails (it is invariant to the CAPS)

I wonder if anyone can reproduce this?

Thanks ,

General Board / Re: SFEDIT CUTMANY
« Last post by Seán on July 11, 2022, 09:20:14 PM »
Thanks Simon and Richard!

Sorry for my delay I thought the problem was elsewhere, but I think I have isolated it now as I described.

running this is successful and produces the 15 audio files I am expecting

seanodalaigh$ sfedit cutmany 1 /Users/seanodalaigh/columbia.wav /Users/seanodalaigh/sylabble_ /Users/seanodalaigh/breakpoints.txt 0.01

If I move the files (columbia.wav and breakpoints.txt) to a my intended folder and run it; something like (with paths line separated here only for ease)

seanodalaigh$ sfedit cutmany 1

it outputs the first grain only. This seems to be an error statement that follows when this happens

0 min  0.00 secAbort trap: 6

I am assuming (hoping) I have the enviornmental variables set up correctly, as many other processes work fine for me in any folder structure. I actually tried making arbitrary folders in the Home directory to test it and it works actually! Maybe there is something in the strings of the paths I am supplying that is causing a bug?

Thanks in advance for the help,


this is the contents of the breakpoint file

0.010240   0.112640
0.122880   0.337920
0.348160   0.604160
0.624640   0.768000
0.768000   1.013760
1.116160   1.505280
1.505280   1.617920
1.802240   2.017280
2.037760   2.181120
2.447360   2.580480
2.631680   2.816000
2.826240   3.092480
3.164160   3.543040
3.553280   3.993600
4.034560   4.239360
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