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Topics - soundfun

Pages: [1]
General Board / Curious linux behavior re: analysis files
« on: June 06, 2014, 04:24:30 PM »
This post is following up on another one of my posts that concerns compiling the tools under linux.

I thought that I had been able to compile the CDP tools correctly because the more simple tools worked without a problem. When I tried running the pvoc programme to create analysis files I bumped into a problem.

Running the following (and assuming that an analysis file ends in ana or is user specified) I received the following errors:

./pvoc anal 1 ./shsyn.wav output.ana
ERROR: Cannot open output file output.ana
*** Error in `./pvoc': double free or corruption (top): 0x08872c60 ***

I have removed some of the memory dump here.

Though I have little c programming skills, I went digging with a debugger. I the problem seemed to be a problem in line 4574, file sfsys.c which does:

if((ext = getenv("CDP_SOUND_EXT")) == NULL) { /* error handing code that I omitted */ }

In the terminal I set the environment variable CDP_SOUND_EXT and run the command:

./pvoc anal 1 ./shsyn.wav output.wav

The .wav file is rather odd being 344hz file with 1024 channels. I think it worked! If I set the environment variable to ana, it does not work.

Still have to tinker to see if I can use the commands that require analysis files.

This does leave me with the question though - is this request for the environment variable necessary? Is this the intended behaviour? Is this indicated somewhere in the documentation that I have not seen?

Also, is there some sense in creating a git repository? I have been tinkering with the linux Makefiles (the ordering of some of libraries is wrong for gcc on Ubuntu anyway). Is there a good way to make code contributions? I could provide a diff?

General Board / Linux installation
« on: May 21, 2014, 09:25:02 PM »
Hi, I am not sure if you know, but your software is being mentioned at and I think re-posted over at Synthopia, so good job! :)

I wanted to ask you about the Linux version of the command line tools. In the downloaded package there are two closed source object files: libcdp2k.a and libsfsys.a

Of course it is your prerogative to keep them closed, but they are compiled for a 64bit architecture, and as such I cannot compile the tools for my 32 bit Ubuntu machine.

I am quite excited to try these tools out, I was wondering if it would be possible to provide a 32bit version?

Many thanks for all your hard work.

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