Author Topic: Portable Audio Interface for Linux  (Read 12417 times)


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Portable Audio Interface for Linux
« on: May 18, 2016, 05:13:38 PM »
I've been looking to purchase a decent audio interface for my Libreboot'd X200 laptop, and wanted something that worked in Linux without proprietary drivers, had decent converters, live input monitoring, and digital I/O.  I seem to have nailed it with the Sound Devices USBPre 2 (  it is targeted primarily for remote recording applications, and so despite its excellent ADCs, it is fully bus powered.  Even with Slackware Linux, my experience setting it up was literally plug & play!  it wouldn't be my first choice for low-latency recording/mixing with plugins (if that's your thing).  But if reliable, unfettered operation and quality sound "on the go" are your thing, I really recommend it.  I wish other audio hardware was so thoughtfully considered.


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Re: Portable Audio Interface for Linux
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2019, 08:18:22 PM »
"Additional features controlled by hardware DIP switches on the back panel; no software-only features and no control panel." — now, that's an attractive line to read on a features list. And it's a standards-based interface which is always nice. USB Audio Class 2 (and Class 3, today) is well-supported in ALSA, meaning specialized-hardware-driver-less access to the full range of available sampling frequencies and bit depths from Linux.

Those f---ers still go for $900 at B&H, though. Too rich for my blood, as enticing as it does sound. I'm sure it's a worthwhile investment if you've got sufficient resources to commit.