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SoundShaper Port to Mac--I Am Begging!

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Bestia Centauri:
I understand the difficulties involved, and I recognize the limited market, but please, Mr. Fraser, reconsider porting SoundShaper to the Macintosh platform.

With all due respect to Trevor Wishart, I dislike SoundLoom very much. My mind and his simply do not work the same way, whereas SoundShaper is so very much more intuitive for me. When I was using SoundShaper with my otherwise-despised Windows machine in the early 2000s, I could effortlessly create wonderful sounds, Now that I am committed to the Mac platform, however, I must struggle with SoundLoom if I want to use CDP, and, while it is better than nothing, it is not better by much, from my perspective. I just can't work easily with it, and am therefore deprived of CDP as a result (I do not write code or run command lines).

I cannot speak for other Macintosh users,, but I, for one, would be happy to pay double or even triple the price for a SoundShaper for Mac. Please (re-)consider it. Thank you.

I believe a Mac port is unlikely at this time ( I may be wrong) but meanwhile you could run Soundshaper in a virtual machine via Bootcamp/Vmware/Paralles/Virtualbox

Bestia Centauri:
Thank you, simonk.

I suspect you are right regarding the port, but I thought I would make the request anyway, and create this thread as a sort of sounding board for others to express their interest (or lack of it).

I had hoped to stay away from dual-boot rigmarole, but thanks for reminding me of the various options.

Other Mac users, how do you feel?

Just for your info:
Vmware,Parallels and Virtualbox don't need a reboot, they can run in a window or fullscreen.

Bestia Centauri:
Thanks again, simonk. I mistyped. I meant that I want to avoid a dual OS installation, and not a dual boot (although I wouldn't care for that, either).

Here's hoping that some other Macintosh users (as well as the developer) will weigh in on the subject.


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