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Messages - davephillips

Pages: [1]
General Board / Re: CDP tool for Renoise Linux installation guide
« on: July 22, 2016, 04:12:47 AM »
Hi, thanks for posting. I have installed everything, followed each step, and everything are pretty sure least...
Well, I open renoise, open its tools and cdp tool. Try to run a process, but the message is always the same: it cannot produce any output. I wrote the code in the bashrc file: CDP_SOUND_EXT=wav, but it seems not to be working properly. There are no messages insisting that CDP installations is incomplete as before, but I can't output any processed sound. Can you help me with this? I am using Ubuntu Studio 14.03.02 on an HP laptop, and Renoise 3.01 Demo. Thanks

Hi Marcelo,

I apologize for the long delayed reply, I haven't checked in here for a while. Did you ever get the sound processing to work for you ?



General Board / Re: CDP Interface for Renoise
« on: October 04, 2015, 02:07:49 PM »
The standalone build works (partially) only for Windows. I didn't get it to run on OS-X (just crashes at start) which was the reason I didn't publicly distribute the standalone application build. The source code hasn't been changed to build correctly for Linux yet. But I suppose I could take a quick look at that. (I now also have a Linux system with Juce and its dependencies installed. It's a horrible computer though that takes a long time to compile C++ code.)

Bring it on, I'm available for testing any code for a Linux standalone. :)

And thanks for helping to bring the CDP software to a larger base of users !



General Board / Re: CDP Interface for Renoise
« on: October 04, 2015, 11:41:32 AM »
... I've done the work on my CDP frontends in a way that also allows building them as stand alone applications too. I know that Reaper isn't a "good fit" for many people either. (There was never a standalone application release of the recent CDP frontend though. The build is still possible to do and works somewhat but went into a bit of a neglected state because I have myself preferred working with the frontend in Reaper, so the development efforts went Reaper-centric. The newer frontend will follow a more strict development model where the standalone application build will not get behind or be unreleased.)

So it *is* possible to build your code as a standalone ? I tried it some time ago, got no joy building it for Linux, but I'd love to take another shot at it. Is there an updated code base I can check out ?



General Board / CDP tool for Renoise Linux installation guide
« on: September 30, 2015, 07:37:58 PM »

I've put a new tutorial on the Renoise blog site. It's focused on building, installing, configuring, and testing the CDP source code and the Renoise CDP tool under Linux, but hopefully it will be of  interest to Win/Mac users too.

Comments and suggestions for improvement are welcome.



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