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Messages - simonk

Quote from: giuliarrr on February 02, 2025, 12:11:41 PMBut I am confused because I am installing CDP 8. 
What does it mean ?

Yes, well spotted !
I noticed that too, I think it's a legacy thing.
Many of the fully operational CDP prgs have not had their headers updated as they are not new versions.
 I'll flag that up anyway.

But it does look as though you have a fully working CDP system. So I'm not sure that the problem can be attributed to the CDP software.
Have you tried asking on the Supercollider forum?

Maybe you could try some other sound files with differing formats.
I am sorry but I'm not a Supercollider user these days, so not much help to you there.


Hi Guiliarr
I would just like to check that your install is working.

Please,in a Terminal window enter 'sndinfo' (no quotes)
& see what you get.
It should give you -
'CDP release 7.1.2016'. and the usage of sndinfo.

If that is ok I wonder if your original problematic sound file has spaces in the name?

Note: We have been testing & building all the CDP software on Mac silicon for the past year or so. There may well be bugs somewhere however....

Please feel free to keep me updated.

It is not quite clear from your question if you can run CDP processes from the command prompt outside Supercollider
Have you run the command detailed in the CDP Installation Notes?

'Run Terminal (it starts in your home directory) and at the command prompt,
type (followed by pressing Enter; note the spaces):
xattr -rc cdpr8
(The -r flag signifies "recursive" - it will visit every file and folder inside cdpr8, releasing, so to speak, all executable files and apps from Quarantine.)'


Hi Zander
Welcome to the CDP

Soundloom doesn't permit files with spaces in the name.
Here ia a page for troubleshooting common SoundLoom problems


General Board / Re: Command lint - Terminal AI
October 29, 2024, 12:09:02 PM
There is also an AI elephant in this imaginary room and somewhat philosophically challenging.

Is it acceptable for AI bots to run round scraping other artist work without payment ?
General Board / Re: Command lint - Terminal AI
October 22, 2024, 08:34:07 AM
Quote from: sleestack on October 21, 2024, 10:08:37 PMIts like you didn't read my post
I am sorry if my reply seems that way to you. I was offering information about the whereabouts of the Tutorials etc.
Also, I have no particular knowledge of AI & plenty of learning of my own to do.
The best advvice I can offer on soaking up manuals is to 'snack not banquet' when taking in information. Do a bit,do something else, do bit & so on.

As previously mentioned by one or more of the very small CDP team we ~are~ working on new GUI tools.

General Board / Re: Command lint - Terminal AI
October 21, 2024, 07:19:40 PM
You can find the Tutorials here :

They haven't been updated for a while, you might find the 'Learning Manual'
of more interest

-further down the same page
General Board / Re: Change Sample Rate Soundloom
October 17, 2024, 03:49:30 PM
In the 'System state' drop down (Top right) look at 'System settings 1', the twelfth setting down is 'Sample rates' with a right arrow  that gives a further drop down of possible rates, probably best to select 'All rates'

Mac installation / Re: MIDI input issues
September 02, 2024, 06:23:05 PM
Hi iamcyanblue,
I get the same.

Its Soundloom on the Mac that is the problem.
TCL & TK being prety much deprecated on later Mac o/s versions

There is a new Mac GUI in the pipeline but we cannot, at this time, give a release date.
I am sorry, but until that happy day you'll have to put up with SL as it is, not pretty. (at all)

Hi Harmonion,
Welcome to the CDP world.

If you look at the CDP homepage you will see 'Learn' in one of the dropdown menus

You might try the Workshops:

or this page, which has lots of links :

We'd love to hear how you get on.
Have fun!
General Board / Re: tabula vigilans
May 12, 2024, 05:51:52 PM
You may have already found this -

I think Archer has used TV quite a bit, I'll ask.

Mac installation / Re: Batch files?
January 03, 2024, 06:32:34 PM
>I am into work flow, I have to enjoy the process.

I'm absolutely with you there &  I agree it takes a certain type of mentality &/or mind set to be at the command line expolring.
Not for every day or to meet a deadline
I did my time before the virtual CMD mast in the ole century when there was no other option to access these fabulous tools. But find myself using it sparingly these days.

If you have a PC take a look at Grainmill if you haven't already. It's a bit old now, but still fun for a granular hit.
Not real time, but these days pretty quick.

>Maybe a separate program could be made that is more of a see what happens app, where it combines processes in a random way under the hood. For fun.

That'd be great.
Unfortunately we (CDP) are drastically short of programming manpower & latest tech on every platform.
And we all have other things to do, so things move quite slowly...mostly.

Happy CDP'ing in 24 !

Mac installation / Re: Batch files?
January 02, 2024, 07:59:16 PM
>Has anyone actually used Tabula Vigilans ? Where’s the music if they did?

There are a few pieces, I'm not the one to quote them here, but maybe you are missing the point.
Because nobody has noticed this unusual & l agree, a somewhat esoteric & difficult thing, is no reason to cast it aside when you are short.
Maybe that's the time to dig in !

You will be pleased to learn that your post has somewhat hastened a number of long-time work/discussions/tutorials on this very subject

Stick around, good things are coming for batch files soon!
