Having an issue with newmorph2

Started by j_corley, November 10, 2020, 08:34:58 PM

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Hi there,

So I am trying to use newmorph2 like this:
newmorph newmorph2 2 temp-w1.ana temp-pk2.txt temp-morphed1.ana 0 12 1 8

However, I get this message everytime:
ERROR: Cannot open file temp-morphed1.ana to read times.

The file does not already exist in the directory.
temp-w1.ana is the analysis file of file 1, and temp-pk2.txt is the peaksfile of file 2
All files are at least 17 seconds long.
The command I used to create the peaksfile is this:
newmorph newmorph2 1 temp-w2.ana temp-pk2.txt 8

So I'm slightly confused as to what I need to do in order to get this to function. Is there something I am missing?

Might anyone be able to help?  :D



Hello James,

I have duplicated this error.  I suspect that there is a bug in reading the command line arguments.  We will test this and get back to you.

Thanks for your query.

Archer - CDP


Hello James,

We have confirmed that there are problems with the command line.  Yours was correct, so it's the program which is at fault.  The matter is being referred back to the author.  I'll keep you posted.



Hello Archer,

Ah good to know!

Thank you very much.


Robert Fraser

Hi James,

The normal order for most CDP programs is: infile outfile params, where the first parameter in this case is the datafile.
However, the program's usage (duplicated in the CDP documentation) is given as: infile datafile outfile etc.
If you change this to the normal order, the program should work (I think), i.e.:
  newmorph newmorph2 2 temp-w1.ana temp-morphed1.ana temp-pk2.txt 0 12 1 8

I've tested this with various files on the commandline.
However, while investigating this I hit a problem of my own, which is the persistent error message:
  ERROR: end of interpolation is beyond end of one of soundfiles.
Given that my start and end times were well within the limits of the ONLY soundfile, this doesn't make any sense.

Anyway, I hope the above commandline works for you. We'll change the documentation when every mode has been tested.



Hi Robert,

Ah yes I had noticed that myself - but also encountered the exact same error: ERROR: end of interpolation is beyond end of one of soundfiles.

I did experiment with a variety of different times and files but so far no such luck.



Dear List,

I can confirm that the problem with NEWMORPH2 was an error in the Usage, which showed an incorrect order for modes 2-3.  It says:  analfileB peaksfile outanalfile. 
This Usage has now been corrected so that it keeps to the conventional order of analfileB outanalfile peaksfile (etc. parameters).  The program should work if entered in this order.

This does not include the sfsys fix for 24bit WAVEX mono. (See thread about DISTORT REPEAT).  This will require a full recompile of all programs on both platforms (along with updating the GitHub repository) -- message from Richard D.

Archer - CDP