I recently found the Txpack examples were missing from the offline documentation, and fixed that via the online Tutorials page. As SimonK has pointed out, you can download a zip of the folder from there. When unzipped, it should be placed as a subfolder of the \htmltuts folder in the offline documentation.
These examples are the ones discussed in the reference documents for the various Texture programs. Archer Endrich calls the texture events 'notes' and his examples mostly use a dry xylophone sound as the 'note'. The note-events are in fact any sound and can be played to the end or not, as you wish. I would start by investigating TEXTURE SIMPLE, then go on to GROUPED. Then look at ORNATE or DECORATE (they have variants PRE- and POST- ORNATE and DECORATE), or you might prefer TIMED (leading to TIMED GROUPS) or MOTIFS (leading to TIMED MOTIFS, the most prescribed one of the set.)
The tutorial Workshop 2 on Texture is more advanced and more detailed than Txpack.