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Messages - joehuergo

I really wish I could get edit at markers working <:( every time I go to paste I get this error (even when just lowering the volume by 3 db)
General Board / Re: Mailing List Poll
June 28, 2017, 08:37:21 AM
thresholdpeople raises good points. I too agree with the prospect of a mailing list.
afta8's point is valid as well.
Showcase / Re: Some Tracks
June 28, 2017, 08:33:53 AM
greetings fellow north carolinian! raleigh here. these are EXCELLENT!! if I may ask, in what ways did you utilize CDP? GUIs (Soundloom, Soundshaper) or commandline, scripting etc? again, excellent stuff. :)
Also, just to let you know: leads to a 404 for me, along with a couple others. (Though I did find the correct links!)
Thanks for the info! I've felt uncertain whether the docs included in the unstablesound download were the most up to date.
Seriously!! I've been getting into CDP in short obsessive bursts the past few months, and I've recently found myself finally giving that documentation a real deep dive, and I am so incredibly appreciative of the depth! These guys really left no stone unturned here. Much love!! :)

(semi-unrelated, but also super appreciative of microsoft bringing bash to windows 10 lol)