Hi all,
I'm making my first steps in CDP, and i'm running into some difficulties..
I've installed cdp using the installer package on mountain lion, 10.8.5.
I intend to use CDP from the command line.
It looks like "simple" processes work nicely, but when i try to make an pvoc analysis file, for instance by running the following line;
pvoc anal 1 bd.wav bd.ana
the program returns:
ERROR: Cannot open output file bd.ana
I'm sure there must be some beginner's mistake involved, but i can't seem to figure out what it could be.
The sound file i'm using is 44.1khz, 16 bit, mono, as "dirsf" shows;
Bytes Channel Sample Rate Seconds fmt Name
29436 1 short 44100 0.334 W bd.wav
Any suggestions would be very much appreciated!