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Messages - Robert Fraser

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Mac installation / Re: TEXTURE: where is the \txpack folder?
« on: April 27, 2023, 03:25:44 PM »

I recently found the Txpack examples were missing from the offline documentation, and fixed that via the online Tutorials page. As SimonK has pointed out, you can download a zip of the folder from there.  When unzipped, it should be placed as a subfolder of the \htmltuts folder in the offline documentation.

These examples are the ones discussed in the reference documents for the various Texture programs. Archer Endrich calls the texture events 'notes' and his examples mostly use a dry xylophone sound as the 'note'. The note-events are in fact any sound and can be played to the end or not, as you wish. I would start by investigating TEXTURE SIMPLE, then go on to GROUPED. Then look at ORNATE or DECORATE (they have variants PRE- and POST- ORNATE and DECORATE), or you might prefer TIMED (leading to TIMED GROUPS) or MOTIFS (leading to TIMED MOTIFS, the most prescribed one of the set.)

The tutorial Workshop 2 on Texture is more advanced and more detailed than Txpack.


Announce / Soundshaper 6.1 supporting CDP8
« on: February 01, 2023, 04:40:42 PM »
Soundshaper 6.1 has been released. It installs the latest CDP PC exes, including beta-test versions of over 60 new CDP8 processes. These include Spectral, Multi-channel, Segmentation, Waveset and Synth functions, among others.

As well as being incorporated into the normal process menus, the new processes are also listed separately in a separate menu "Rel8", so that they can be easily identified for testing. The Quick Help on the Parameter Page describes each process, its modes and parameters. A very brief description is also available on the Main Page (also called Quick Help). A provisional version of the official CDP documentation is also well underway and will be available within the online docs soon.

Although the new CDP8 programs have been carefully tested, these are pre-release versions, subject to change, and correct operation cannot be guaranteed. Please do try them out and report anomalies! This is the quickest way to "settle" the software ahead of a full CDP Release 8.

General Board / Re: GRAINMILL & BRKEDIT
« on: January 22, 2023, 02:20:32 PM »
They are both standalone programs - at least for Windows (not sure if there are MAC versions - I think not). There's also a new build of BrkEdit which should be released fairly soon.

General Board / Re: GRAINMILL & BRKEDIT
« on: January 22, 2023, 08:47:08 AM »
I can't speak for the MAC distribution, but the PC set definitely has both programs. Please visit the CDP downloads page to access these.

Announce / Revised CDP PC program exes
« on: December 06, 2022, 08:07:04 PM »
A revised set of CDP programs for PC, re-compiled in 2022, is now available. The set comprises CDP Release 7, 7,1 and 7.11.
The programs are available on the CDP downloads page ( - 'Software PC' link) and are mirrored on the Soundshaper downloads page ( The set has all the programs required for both SoundLoom and Soundshaper, including the LoomDatapak extensions.

Both SoundLoom and Soundshaper have this latest version built into their new-user installation files, as do Soundshaper updates/upgrades. The separate download is therefore aimed at existing SoundLoom users who wish to update their CDP software.

Announce / New Soundshaper version
« on: December 06, 2022, 12:33:22 PM »
Soundshaper 6.03 has now been released. As further updates are unlikely for a while, users are recommended to download this new version. There are several new features and some bugfixes, described here: A new Quick-Help for the main page gives a brief description as you scroll through the process menus. Envelope editing has been revised, and processes using fixed parameter values can now be re-edited on the parameter page.

Soundshaper now includes the CDP programs in a single self-extracting .exe. The full, update and upgrade (from vn 5) versions all include this program set. (Existing users please install to your existing CDP base folder, e.g. \CDPR7). The links on the CDP downloads page (at are to the new version: full and upgrade only - to update an existing copy of Soundshaper6, visit If you wish to retain your present version, please rename it before downloading. Please note that while the installer will over-write older files of the same name, it does NOT erase other files.

If you are an existing SoundLoom user and are installing Soundshaper and SoundLoom within the same CDP base folder, you should also download and install the revised CDP program set, so that the CDP exes are up to date. This can be done from either the CDP or Soundshaper downloads page. (New users will get the new CDP set, so don't need this step.)

PC Installation / Re: Some dsp processes missing
« on: December 04, 2022, 09:23:13 PM »
>I do get a lot of errors saying that it can't find the dsp process , and or that a new version of CDP is coming out and the process can't be executed

Your screenshot shows a message which comes up when there's a CDP error. Some of these can be rather obscure, but they're mostly down to incorrect parameter settings. When they occur, they are beyond the scope of Soundshaper and derive from the underlying CDP software. Your settings of a frequency split at 500Hz should normally be OK. (I've just tested it with a stereo input, with no problems.) I'm not aware of specific problems with Accumulate; however, if you want to send me the details of the sound source and parameter values used, I'll be happy to look into it.

I'm sorry you've had the inconvenience of not being able to access the forthcoming CDP8 processes yet, but unfortunately CDP8 is not quite ready for general release. In a further release of Soundshaper (6.03), which should out any day now, menu items which lead to a CDP8 process have been disabled. (A tiny number of CD8 functions, which are implemented as modes of an existing process, may still generate the message you quote, however.)   

Regarding the tutorial - clearly these things are written at different times by different authors and the descriptions can unfortunately become a little outdated. The CDP Distort suite deals with wavesets (as described in the documentation and help screens) and it was felt that this menu title better reflected the waveset functions as a whole. We do try to keep the documentation up to date, though, and thank you for pointing out this discrepancy.

Announce / Soundshaper 6
« on: September 09, 2022, 04:33:05 PM »
Soundshaper 6 has now been released.  This is a major upgrade, designed to improve workflow.

The main changes are to the parameter page, which now has a preview facility, allowing the user to quickly experiment with and compare many different parameter settings before choosing one. It also has a soundfile display, mirroring that on the Main Page, with loop and marker times that can be transferred to and from breakpoint data files. There is a tighter integration with the Graph-Edit page, which also has a soundfile display. Full details of the new features are supplied with the program, and the manual has also been revised.

To download the program, please visit

General Board / Re: Downloads Page: CDP documentation
« on: November 17, 2021, 09:52:01 PM »
The revised CDP documentation has now been corrected and can be downloaded from the CDP downloads page at
or alternatively from
where a wider range of download options is available.

General Board / Downloads Page: CDP documentation
« on: November 14, 2021, 01:23:46 PM »
The CDP Downloads page (hosted at is currently undergoing revision.

The CDP Documentation download, in particular, is faulty and should NOT be downloaded yet. It will be fully revised very soon and I'll post a notice when it's ready.

If you do not have the current documentation, it can be downloaded at: 
- the full version is called and is dated 30 Oct 2021. An update to this (to match the version on the downloads page) will be available in due course.

Announce / CDP GUIDE
« on: October 04, 2021, 07:56:12 PM »
A new set of documents called "CDP Guide" has been added to the online CDP Docs and is also available to download. This is a classified guide, which aims to help users find their way around the CDP suite. Although the Reference Documentation also groups functions together, it has become harder with each new release to keep track of related functions, especially as new versions or variations typically have different names.

CDP Guide classifies CDP processes and functions into five categories: Soundfile, Spectral, Pitch-Data, Edit-Mix (incl. Levels, Channels & Spatial) and Other  (Synth, Info, Data, SysUtils). Each function has hyperlinks to the available online Reference and a brief description. This is a personal classification and the descriptions are my own - they do not necessarily reflect the views of CDP. I'm sure there will be inaccuracies, and users are welcome to suggest corrections and amendments (mail[at]

Within the online docs, the Guide is referenced on the Home Page ( and the Tutorials page. The file is available from there or the downloads page (follow DOCS DOWNLOADS on the Home Page index panel). The zip also contains printable PDFs. If you already have the CDP documentation offline, the main folder \guide should be placed at the top level within that (the same level as \html, \demo etc.) for the hyperlinks to work.

Announce / Re: Soundshaper error when adding 2nd input file
« on: May 24, 2021, 10:19:52 PM »
Hi Luis,

Sounds like a CDP error; it's not a Soundshaper error message.  The sample is probably of a type CDP doesn't like. 16-bit is normally fine. If you'd like to send me the sample I'll look into it (email rob<at>ensemble-software<dot>net).

I'm sorry we've nothing in Spanish. (I don't speak the language at all.)  We could try using Google Translate on at least some of the documentation, perhaps, but someone would have to test that the Spanish made sense. If you're up for that, that would be great.


PC Installation / Folder and file names in Soundshaper
« on: May 13, 2021, 02:59:17 PM »
It has been found that source files will not load in Soundshaper if "special characters" are used in folder names. The problem arose when a user installed CDP and Soundshaper in a folder called "Aplicações", which is Portuguese for "Applications".

Users should stick to Roman-alphabet characters (as used in English) when naming folders and files, i.e.: a-z (lower or upper case) and numbers 0-9.

Announce / Re: Soundshaper 5.07 released
« on: April 09, 2021, 09:17:43 AM »
Thanks for the feedback. Really glad to know Soundshaper is still working in Parallels.

PC Installation / Re: Completion Menu for CDP
« on: April 06, 2021, 09:44:48 PM »
There's nothing like that as far as I know. The console window will show you the usage and most of the parameter ranges and it's easy enough to have that open on the desktop.  Or you can have the online CDP documentation to hand, which is more accurate. But wouldn't it just be easier to use one of the interfaces, which will place all the parameters in the right order and write the scripts for you?

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