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Messages - rwdobson

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Mac installation / Re: New User - cdp8install.command error
« on: June 19, 2024, 11:05:34 AM »
Mode 2 means that the bash config file '.bash_profile' exists, but needs updating with the new PATH information. If this step fails, the usual reason is some problem with write permissions. This is a file that has to be in your home directory, the leading dot in the name makes it hidden (not displayed by the Finder). If - in your home directory - you type the directory listing command 'ls' with the flags '-la', so thus:

ls -la

It will included all the current hidden files and folder in the printed list. '.bash_profile' should be present. The -l flag makes all the current permissions printed along with each file name

You can then print the contents using the 'cat' command:

cat .bash_profile

It would typically show something like:

-rw-r--r--@  ....  .bash_profile

This show the file has write permission for the admin user, but is read-only for everyone else. If you are running as admin (as is the usual case for anyone running a personal machine), this would be fine. If not, the permissions would need to be set by someone with admin privileges.

I can't diagnose further without more information, e.g. the output from those suggested commands.

One final pont - if you are running any of the latest versions of MacOS, your default shell will be zsh, not bash. The install scripts also create an initial CDP config file for zsh, which should also appear in the directory listing (the title bar of the Terminal window will also indicate the zsh shell). I see no indication those file have failed to be created, so it may well be that in the z shell everything will in fact be up and running. Run any CDP program (such as 'dirsf') to verify one way or the other. Best to start a new Terminal session to be sure the new config information has been used.

Finally: I note you have run the xattr -rc command on This is fine as far as it goes, but my recommendation now (mentioned in the documentation) is to run it on the whole ~/cdpr8 directory (which will thus cover the app as supplied - the -r flag means 'recursive'), to ensure all the 140+ CDP programs are also covered. This will not in itself change any permissions though. R.

Caveat: sadly I am far from an expert on CMake. Yes, this is a strange problem. I have not been able to reproduce it here (Ubuntu, full portaudio install). I am assuming you are using the latest code set from github.

It does seem that CMake can get in a bit of a muddle, and the time-honoured solution has been to delete the whole CMakeFiles directory (in the 'paplay" directory inside the main 'build' directory set up before running Cmake for the first time). This will force CMake (when you  run 'make' in the build directory) to reconstruct all the internal config files, reading CMakeLists.txt to do so. You can inspect CMake's record of all target include files by checking the file CMakeFiles/paplay.dir/paplay.c.o.d. A quick way to reach this is using 'grep' recursively in, say, the paplay directory:

grep -R pa_ringbuffer .

Alternatively, run this from the build directory itself, which should find the instances for recsf, paplay, pvplay (four source files in all).

It is also useful to remember that you can run 'make' on a single target program to check it (e.g.: 'make paplay'), no need to run through the whole program set each time.

CDP has only a fixed standard or "default" installation, which is in the user's home directory (as provided by the command shell "zsh" each time the Terminal app is launched, or a new shell Window is opened). The all-important PATH configuration assumes this. In the Finder is is shown by the little house icon, with the name chosen when running the machine for the first time -  = your User Name. Putting the whole CDPr8 folder in /Documents means that the PATH for command line users is then wrong, likewise also the file which tells Soundloom where the software is - hence the error messages. This can be fixed by hand editing the required hidden text files (see the document "Manual Install" for details), but we would strongly recommend that for the usual case of a single user on a single machine the software is indeed installed as per the README file etc, in your home directory. Whatever the CDP system might be, it is not "a document", and therefore "Documents" is not an appropriate location for it all.

General Board / Re: how to get txt for FOFS?
« on: April 30, 2024, 12:30:24 PM »
It looks like the assumed procedure (by Trevor Wishart) is to obtain the pitch breakpoint file from the (or a) source soundfile, using "Repitch getpitch 2..." (or Repitch->extract etc in Soundloom). Perhaps editied or modified using any number of tools to process breakpoint files. It is a plain time/freq format file. Of course, "repitch" requires an analysis file, which will requires running pvoc on the source soundfile first. If you are on a PC, you always have the GUI option of using BrkEdit, but I think there is a basic GUI draw/edit facility in Soundloom as well. I think a core idea is to start with repitch getpitch, and then apply changes to the breakpoint data (e.g. data reduction, shifts etc) according to the compositional goal.

How practical it is to apply such changes manually of course depends on the length of the source and the density of pitch movements - the generated breakpoint file may easily contain 100s of points. There is however no serious technical reason not to use short hand-written data files - the spirit of the software is very much that of experiment, trial and error - but the duration of the breakpoint file (final data line) should normally match or exceed that of the source file.

The FOFS tool in Soundloom uses the commandline program "psow" behind the scenes, and it may be useful to run that directly to see the usage messages, in conjunction with the general CDP documentation.

In Soundloom, the somewhat convoluted process starts with running pvoc on a source soundfile, and then selecting the analysis file as the input for "Repitch" - save the text output to some name, to ensure it appears in the Workspace (may need to click "Refresh"). Select the original soundfile, to make FOFS available in the Process window, and in the relevant parameter page use "Get File" to select the required breakpoint file.

And so on.

Mac installation / Re: soundloomE file damaged
« on: November 26, 2023, 11:06:43 PM »
This is the usual Gatekeeper response to a non-signed app downloaded from the bet. The solution is described in the README file: run the Terminal command:

xattr -rc /path/to/

The best and recommended approach is to run xattr on the whole cdpr8 directory inside the Disk image. This will process everything, including

Mac installation / Re: CDPv8 and M1
« on: October 30, 2023, 11:06:55 AM »
The messages here have all pointed to the correct place in the code, sffuncs.h. This issue in fact raises an interesting "strategic" question which I have been pondering: are big-endian platforms now effectively dead? if so, all that code can be eliminated (including a lot of dependent code in sfsys) and let it assume the host machine will always be little-endian. This would be an problem however if anyone hopes to build for a cherished PowerPC machine such as an old G5.

In the meantime, the solution needs to use a symbol that is also used in the relevant CMakeLists.txt file. On the Mac the simplest solution would be to add || defined(MAC) in the sffuncs.h line, as that is used in all the CMakeLists.txt files throughout CDP. If supporting big-endian platforms remains important, some new symbol can be defined such as __ARM64, to be used in both places.

Those building CDP8 from source from Github may like to consider posting questions such as this (which are not about "installation" issues as such) directly via the Github message system. I will receive these immediately through email, and can respond accordingly. This  doesn't require anyone to be "registered" as a developer. I have already answered quite a few queries this way.

Announce / CDP Release 8
« on: October 27, 2023, 03:40:20 PM »
We are proud to announce CDP's 8th software release, with over 80 new processes written by composer Trevor Wishart. 

Release 8 adds to the CDP's toolset especially in the manipulation of formants, wavecycle distortion, segmentation and repetition, plus new multichannel processes and synthesis functions.

The CDP system is a comprehensive sound design toolkit of over 450 processes. Developed over 35 years, it covers almost every aspect of sound transformation, including many that may be unfamiliar or are presented from an original or compositional viewpoint.

CDP is not a real-time system or a suite of plugins, but transforms sound-files (or their spectral equivalents) to create new sonic material.

CDP is released under a Creative Commons/LGPL licence as free software for MacOS, Windows and Linux, with sources available on GitHub.

Further details,downloads,workshops,tutorials and more can be found at the CDP website:

Richard Dobson

Mac installation / Re: CDPv8 and M1
« on: March 13, 2023, 06:52:25 PM »
Hi Natasha,

yes indeed, we are very close to being able to announce Release 8 along with full packages for Mac and PC. We have had several reports of success building CDP (including R8) from source. We have made a lot of code updates recently, mostly to eliminate compiler warnings, but catching a few minor bugs as well.  At present, the Github resource is still to be regarded technically as "Beta".

With regard to existing installers (v 7.1.1), again we have had good reports of successes there on M1. Being a download and not having an official Apple certificate, the "Gatekeeper" system prevents opening, but there is a standard solution which we have documented.

I have just posted the latest beta build of the CDP programs for Mac here:

It is compiled for Intel machines (unfortunately CDP does not have access to an M1-based Mac), but I am assured that the new M1 "rosetta" system works as expected and all the programs will run.  Documentation preparation is at an advanced stage, but not ready for release yet. We will publish it at the same time we announce the full CDPR8 release.

Richard Dobson

General Board / Re: SFEDIT CUTMANY
« on: June 27, 2022, 12:34:30 PM »
I have tested this with the same OS version (and both 2016 build and the latest build) and not been able to reproduce the problem. It would be helpful to have example command lines and data file to reproduce as closely as possible. Test reports from other users would be welcome too!

Richard Dobson

The idiomatic way to do this is to use the shell scripting facilities. It is a good idea to read up on shell commands (and practice a little before committing to anything serious). Simple commands can be done directly at the prompt, but most of the time you will want to create a text file for your script. Here is an example to copy files to a named subdirectory:

# usage outdir
# copies wave files in current directory to same names in directory outdir
# outdir will be created if not present
# copysfx must be in system PATH

if [ -z $1 ]; then
  echo "usage: ./ outdir"
  echo "outdir will be created if it does not exist."

if [ $1 == "." ]; then
echo "can't copy files into same directory!"

if [ ! -d $1 ]; then
    mkdir $1

for filename in *.wav
   copysfx $filename $1/$filename

General Board / Re: newtex newtex problem with parameters
« on: July 13, 2020, 06:35:59 PM »
The final argument (36) needs the -s flag, and then the documentation example works (it is a Mode 3 example, not Mode 1). So this should work with your input file:

newtex newtex 3 perc1mono.wav perc1_tex.wav 30 4 3 0.1 0 0 1.5 0.35 -s36

General Board / Re: newtex newtex problem with parameters
« on: July 13, 2020, 03:03:04 PM »
Yes, it appears the documentation has some errors - we are looking into it. The example command line is missing the all-important "transposes" data text file, and has too many parameters - the final one for Mode 1 is "spacetype". The strange error message arises because (a foible of most modern operating systems!) a number such as "30" can be a legal file name; at the stage the message appears, it has not been opened to verify it is the right sort of data file.

General Board / Re: Soundloom on Linux
« on: May 24, 2020, 10:14:36 PM »
A port to Linux is in preparation, but will not be ready for a while yet, not least as recent updates (V17.0.4) need to be incorporated, and completing the update to the Mac version is also a priority. Only one developer (me) is involved in all this.  Note that for Linux users Soundloom would be supplied in source form (tcl files).  Enterprising users with some tcltk coding experience can download the current Windows sources from Trevor Wishart's Soundloom pages, and try it out (edit "sys.cdp" in _cdpenv to contain "LINUX" rather than "PC", and then you may need to modify any code that refers to programs with .exe extensions, so that the native Linux programs get called). However, despite the nominally cross-platform nature of tcltk, there are aspects that exploit Windows features and which have had to be significantly revised to suit the Mac. I expect a final Linux version of Soundloom to combine elements of both PC and Mac versions, one way or another.

General Board / Re: Phase Vocoder frame 0
« on: November 19, 2019, 10:22:09 AM »
In that particular pvoc implementation (Mark Dolson original author decades ago), the first frame in an analysis file is all-zeroes. Other implementations may skip that, but the arithmetic is the same. In the general case, all bin phases have to start from somewhere on the circle, so to speak, and the default choice is zero, just as it tends to be for any digital oscillator. since pvoc is based on the FFT, converting phase increments to frequency, each bin has a (default) centre frequency arranged linearly from DC to Nyquist.

In theory, any other starting phase could be used; one would expect this to be the same value for all bins, but there have been suggestions to start with randomised phases. Probably less useful for pvoc in analysis mode, but often a way to avoid extreme peak amplitude values when creating an oscillator bank. The Dolson pvoc code is certainly more difficult and opaque to read than others (some clever code involved to apply overlapped windowing while avoiding all memory movements); but the payoff is that it is significantly faster than other more "straight-forward" implementations.

General Board / Re: Can't start soundloom in mojave
« on: December 01, 2018, 12:14:51 PM »
I am glad you have got it working, but the permissions aspect is of concern.  We had so many permissions problems reported when users used third-party tools such as UnArchiver to unzip the distribution, that we have had to advise that users only use the native Apple utility (when you just double-click on the zipfile). I have yet to update to Mojave (I only have the one machine, and like to wait some weeks in case problems are reported). So it will be very helpful to know if you used the Apple utility, or a third-party tool.

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