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Topics - undergroundsurface

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General Board / SoundShaper cannot found envel.exe
« on: March 21, 2015, 12:37:24 AM »
CDP Program: envel.exe not found. Please check you CDP programs folder.

When I try to use the flatten function through SoundShaper. I checked that envel.exe is there, where it should be: in _ cdprogs folder of CDP. I think that this is a bug,  because I have already selected user data files folder in settings. Other problem: SoundShaper can't remember all the selected folders in settings. (Using Windows 7 64 bit)

I've installed Soundshaper on Windows 7 (64-bit). But there are a many bugs with this program.
Soundshaper gives the same error message, when dragging and dropping any wav file:

Cannot find File: C:\cdpr7\_cdp\SoundshaperLite2.4\Temp\~A_0.wav

Is there a way to fix this? I haven't deleted any files in the folder temp folder of Soundshaper.
Previously, everything worked well enough.

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