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Messages - p8rpp

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Announce / Re: Revised CDP PC program exes
« on: December 07, 2022, 09:44:05 AM »
Thanks Robert, this is great news!
Is there some kind of a changelog available, to see what changed with regard to the last compiled version available on the same site?
best, P

General Board / Re: newbie questions re: pvoc and blur
« on: April 02, 2021, 07:40:52 PM »

pvoc is outputting a .wav format file that you should actually name .ana which is the extension for a spectral audio file. Only cdp programs can read this format and only pvoc can convert it back to .wav and only pvplay can play it. So you should be fine with
  pvoc anal 1 u3.wav u3.ana
  blur blur u3.ana u3blurred.ana 12
  pvplay -i u3blurred.ana
and if you like the result
  pvoc synth u3blurred.ana u3blurred.wav
(check exact syntax yourself, writing this out of my memory)

The windows shell (command line) has a history function, just look it up on

You might also want to subscribe to CDPs mailing list for future assistance at

General Board / Re: Release 7.0 functions missing (eg. in specnu)?
« on: October 17, 2020, 11:41:26 AM »
Thanks Robert,
you might want to post the request for testers to the mailing list [1] as well.

Is that new release identical to the codebase on

cheers, P


Two quick updates to this topic.
As of the current version of CDP on Linux from git at pvoc respects the bit size and analyses and resynthesises 24 and 32bit soundfile correctly.
Using the -f flag at resynthesis will also write 32bit files. Nevertheless the gain correction factor posted by pvoc synth has to be applied to the .ana source file before resynthesis to result in a 0dBFS signal. Applying this factor to the resulting .wav file results in a way to soft amplitude for me.
Feel free to move further discussion over to the mailing list at

General Board / Re: allow cdp to overwrite outfiles?
« on: April 01, 2020, 02:42:47 PM »
Replying to myself here:
setting CDP_OVERWRITE_FILE works fine as long as it is not separated by a semicolon from the subsequent cdp command as mistakenly done in my example above.

Feel free to move further discussion over to the mailing list at

General Board / New CDP mailing list launched!
« on: March 10, 2020, 02:39:43 PM »
A new mailing list for CDP has just been launched! The subscription page is at

The list should serve as a communication channel for users and developers of CDP in addition to this web forum.
The mailinglist archive is readable to the public and serves as a knowledge base.

Feel free to communicate this announcement widely!
best, Peter

General Board / Re: Can't seem to find linux 7.1 binaries?
« on: February 18, 2020, 03:06:33 PM »
Answer to myself:
They are included on the github repo

General Board / Can't seem to find linux 7.1 binaries?
« on: February 18, 2020, 02:59:01 PM »
Dear forum,
I can't find the Linux 7.1 binaries anymore. The seem to be no longer available via the page. Is this only me?
Thanks for any help!

Dear Richard,
is there any news on 24bit and float output for Linux? Did you manage to find the time to fix this and is it more a matter of creating a new distribution? If there is a fix in place, would that be reflected in the git codebase?
Thank you so much, it would be great to resolve this situation after all these years, which is
much appreciated!
best, P

General Board / Re: Uppercase .htm files in html documentation
« on: January 16, 2020, 05:34:04 AM »
Richard, has there been any news on the aforementioned new html documentation from two years ago?

General Board / Re: Release 7.0 functions missing (eg. in specnu)?
« on: January 16, 2020, 05:33:13 AM »
Nevertheless it would be great to get some feedback or even fixes from the CDP authors eventually.

General Board / Re: CDP Library
« on: November 27, 2019, 05:40:52 AM »
This looks like a cool project! On which OS are you developing? I am still looking for help building CDP from git on 64bit Debian linux in another thread...

General Board / Re: quickest way to compress amplitude?
« on: November 27, 2019, 05:39:29 AM »
Thank you Archer, envel_warp looks like the program I was searching for!

General Board / Building git CDP on linux
« on: September 21, 2019, 09:28:55 AM »
Hi Forum,

I am trying to build CDP from
 git clone
on 64bit Debian testing Linux.

Although the above repository does not contain the build instructions as already indicated by
they are included by John Ffitch in his reply to this issue.

I manage to build and install libaaio-0.3.1.
I wonder if there is a way to not having to install it system-wide but locally and point cmake to it?

I manage to compile the "portaudio static library". The sentence "To build, unpack pa--tgz in situ; this will create a portaudio directory" from palinuxbuild.txt did not make sense to me. There is no pa--tgz file, only pa_stable_v19_20140130.tgz. After moving the present "portaudio" folder aside and extracting the tarballl I was able to run
 ./configure --with-alsa --with-jack
with success.
I would like to understand why portaudio has to be compiled by hand instead of using system-wide installed portaudio libs?

Now back to building CDP via cmake. As instructed I navigate to the topmost folder "CDP7", create and empty directory "build" and execute
 cmake ..
inside that directory. cmake fails with
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
    linked by target "iterfof" in directory /home/user/devel/cdp/git/CDP7/dev/new
    linked by target "fracture" in directory /home/user/devel/cdp/git/CDP7/dev/new
    linked by target "newsynth" in directory /home/user/devel/cdp/git/CDP7/dev/new
    linked by target "newtex" in directory /home/user/devel/cdp/git/CDP7/dev/new

How can I fix this? Thank you!

General Board / Re: Release 7.0 functions missing (eg. in specnu)?
« on: September 19, 2019, 08:00:23 PM »
My impression is that this issue is know to the CDP team and that they are preparing a new release. Not sure about the time frame though, but all of their efforts are always very appreciated, let's not forget this is a GPL project, and everyone could contribute to the code.

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