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Messages - rwdobson

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This will not be possible sadly. Unix pipes work on "stdio streams", e.g. when a program outputs text to the console or receives text input from a keyboard. In those cases the running output of one program ("stdout") can be piped to the input ("stdin") of the second. CDP programs on the other had work strictly with soundfiles - nominally an "offline" musique-concrete approach. An output soundfile is not in any way a "temporary" file, it is just that, the output soundfile.

Thus any third-party program or application that spawns a CDP program must both provide all the required command line arguments and wait for and check for the program to finish, before making use of the output.

General Board / Re: Possible bug with pvoc extract
« on: March 13, 2017, 05:11:31 PM »
reproduced here, so I can confirm this appears to be a bug. I will investigate, but will advise Trevor Wishart in case he is already working on it.

General Board / Re: Output seems incompatible with libsndfile
« on: March 13, 2017, 05:00:36 PM »
The libsndfile report seems to show that the file only extends to the end of the (large) header chunk, hence no "data" chunk. This can happen if the program aborts prematurely for some reason before writing any audio. I can't reproduce the problem here (reverb runs to completion using those arguments). Is the length of the file (as shown by the OS) what would be expected? CDP programs use a header (whether WAVE or AIFF) much larger than a typical "minimum"  header, something over 2Kbytes.


Announce / Re: Can't get pvoc anal to work - ERROR: INVALID DATA
« on: March 13, 2017, 04:36:11 PM »
Yes, the .ana extension is required; CDP uses a fixed set of custom file formats for all its frequency domain data, each identified by its extension, e.g. .ana, .env, .pch etc. Internally they are all WAVE format files.

The reported error suggests that this is an earlier version of the program which requires the environment variable CDP_SOUND_EXT to be set (to wav). The recently updated v7.1 sources on Github have removed this requirement. You can test this by setting the environment variable directly at the console ("export CDP_SOUND_EXT=wav") and then running pvoc. If the progam then runs, you know that it is an older version. The variable is effectively obsolete these days now that all Apple machines are Intel-based.

Announce / Re: CDP 7.1 sources now on github
« on: January 18, 2017, 08:14:09 AM »
It is all fully cross-platform (32/64bit compatible), intended that way from the outset. John Fitch updated the distro now on github after checking through and adjusting a couple of things to make sure it all builds on Linux. So if for whatever reason it is not, please let me know with as much detail as possible.

Announce / CDP 7.1 sources now on github
« on: December 21, 2016, 02:23:12 PM »
Get it in the usual way by cloning a new repository

With thanks to John ffitch for getting it all set up.

The recommended build system uses CMake, which will need to be installed separately if not already available.

Building for Windows requires the Mingw command line environment with gcc etc.

General Board / Re: Grainmill error
« on: July 24, 2016, 11:46:28 AM »
It will be helpful to know what version of Windows is presenting the problem. I only have XP and Win7 machines at home.

The first thing to check is if the path to the temporary file is correct/legal - this is shown in the Settings dialog. It should show something like: C:\Users\Richard\AppData\Local\Temp; but can be set to anything suitable (best to avoid paths with spaces in, but I can't state offhand whether that actually matters for Grainmill - in theory it should not).

General Board / Re: Can I get 24-bit output?
« on: May 24, 2016, 10:38:27 PM »
24bit operation is definitely supposed to happen. A bug somehow got into the sound filing system routines some while ago (probably because of general code updates getting crossed in the post), which made all output revert to 16 bit as reported. I have completed a full rebuild of all programs which resolves this, restoring the intended behaviour, and I hope to have these available within the next couple of weeks (I am about to be away for a week) on the CDP website, with revised sources in due course on github.

The intended behaviour is for the output file to match the format of the input file, so that e.g. 24bit input gives 24bit output; with the option to force the output to floats using the -f prefix.

I would be the one to reply to this, but as it happens I am about to go away for a week and cannot run the tests until i get back.  However, I would not expect floats to be bitwise identical after any rescaling operation (even a seemingly "exact" inverse may not prove to be so in practice, in floating-point - the lowest f/p bits are very flaky!), as there will inevitably be a cocktail of truncation and rounding errors. The precision of 32bit floats is nominally just one bit better than 24bit integers (or 6/7 decimal digits), so there will always be likely to be more or less correlated errors in the lowest bit(s). Basic conversion float/int should result in bit-identical values, but using "pure" floats I would not expect always to "get away with it" in terms of bit-identical results. The differences will need helium-cooled hardware (and ears) to detect.

Ah indeed; I will need to check the version, as it is ~supposed~ to write a float file! It was a facility incorporated many years ago; unfortunately a collision of sources at one point resulted in a regression defaulting to 16bit, and it had to be un-regressed, which was done about a year ago (it is a generic facility for all applicable output files). Somehow you have one of the older versions. It is too late to look at that tonight, but I will investigate further tomorrow.

It needs to be literally prefixed, without a space: -ffile.wav

Unfortunately it is not really possible to find the true net amplitude of an analysis frame other than by resynthesising it. Bins are not truly independent (may reinforce/cancel mutually), and in principle the contribution of the analysis and resynthesis windows should also be taken into account. Any computation to find the level would probably take longer than the already efficient resynthesis.

One solution is indeed to pre-normalise the input, best to a level below digital peak, e.g. -3dB or -6dB, process, and hope. The alternative is to resynthesise to a floating point sound file (on the command line, prepend -f to the outfile name), which will preserve over-range samples without clipping, and then rescale as required.

Mac installation / Re: Problems installing on 10.6
« on: February 18, 2016, 02:03:26 PM »
It will be helpful if you can just confirm (using Finder) the programs really are there, inside the _cdprogs folder. If they are, it is definitely puzzling. Please also run the following commands in Terminal, to confirm the hidden file .sloomrc exists and gives the correct path:

cd ~
cat .sloomrc

The first is only needed if you have Terminal open in some directory other than your home directory. Terminal always starts up there.
the second command just writes the contents of the file to the console. It shoudl give the full path to the _cdp folder (should be inside "cdpr7").

What version of Soundloom do you have? It is stated on the opening flash window.

The other aspect worth checking is file and folder permissions. This can be done in the finder by selecting the _cdp folder and then "Show Info" from the File menu. If the "read only" box is shown checked, it will need to be unchecked, as Soundloom may be prevented from updating its files, running programs, etc.

Mac installation / Re: Problems installing on 10.6
« on: February 17, 2016, 10:17:13 PM »
The .cdp files are plain text files (mostly very small) used behind the scenes by Soundloom. There is no need in the normal run of things to open and read them directly. Have you also installed the CDP programs? Soundloom is a "front end" GUI for them, and has no functionality without them - it may appear to fail "silently".

If you used the program "Unarchiver" to unpack things, it is probable that file permissions have got messed up; the standard native Mac tools should be used.

General Board / Re: Issue in soundshaper with put formant function
« on: December 17, 2015, 11:30:00 AM »
Just to check - do you have the environment variable CDP_SOUND_EXT defined (to wav)? If not, it is likely there was an error writing a file, which would break the scheme whereby Soundshaper splits stereo files into multiple mono files (with suffix _c1, _c2 etc)  before running frequency domain processes, all of which (including pvoc) only process mono files.

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