Mac Loom seems to be working ok. Im not sure how the application is supposed to be setup under "get info". Should it be locked? Should I have read write access to all enclosed items?
Anyway, Thank you so much for maintaining this app. It is lovely!
Main issues for me are windows once closed do not come back. Make instrument button. Works fine the first time, but go to main workspace and click the button and I get this error
window name "help" already exists in parent
window name "help" already exists in parent
while executing
"frame $ -borderwidth $evv(SBDR)"
(procedure "CreateIns" line 59)
invoked from within
invoked from within
" invoke"
("uplevel" body line 1)
invoked from within
"uplevel #0 [list $w invoke]"
(procedure "tk::ButtonUp" line 23)
invoked from within
(command bound to event)[/list]