CDP7: Error analysing sound files with PVOC process

Started by Kuzma_p, May 07, 2014, 08:55:24 AM

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I'm getting this error when i'm trying to analyse mono wav file with pvoc process:
ERROR: Cannot open output file wav2.ana

My system is Win7 64bit
Tried literally everything, compatibility modes etc.

Thank you!


The usual cause of this error message is that the environment variable CDP_SOUND_EXT has not been defined (to wav). This can be done via Control Panel->System Settings->Advanced->Environment Variables.

We are in the process of preparing an update release (all platforms) where this variable is internally preset to wav by default, so that setting it explicitly will be optional. We will of course announce the update here, as well as on the CDP download page.


What if you got into the environments but, there is no CDP_SOUND_EXT to work with????


Hi, Don!  Just add a "New" variable in Environment Variables.  For a single user install of CDP (e.g., installed to C:\Users\<your_username>\cdpr7), add it to the variables for just your username.  For a general install that you wish to be accessible from more than one login on your machine (e.g., C:\cdpr7), add it to the system variables so it is defined for all users on your computer.


Same problem in Windows Vista command line (not dosbox):

pvoc anal 1 flute.wav flute.ana

ERROR: Cannot open output file flute.ana


is it right that in the environment variable settings for windows  you set the variable to "CDP_SOUND_EXT" and the value to "wav"? or is it ".wav"

i've tried both "wav" and ".wav".

no luck yet.


Simple answer 'wav' (no quotes)

From the PC installation notes pdf

Set Environment Variables (and Path) for Windows 2000/XP/VISTA and Windows 7 32-bit.
Go to Control Panel > System (Properties) > Advanced > Environment Variables
In the UPPER window, enter as NEW the variable name 'CDP_SOUND_EXT' and the value 'wav'

You should reboot after changing this.


"wav" and a reboot sorted it out. It's working now. Thank you.