General Board / Re: Creating Compound Textures?
« on: November 18, 2016, 09:50:02 PM »
I don't know of any way to do this entirely within the notedata file, although I don't claim to be an expert. (Self plug warning) You could try using my front-end for this if you're on windows, it was designed for more in depth programmatic tasks. It's hard to say exactly how without knowing exactly what you're looking to do, but either of the methods you mention would be well suited to it. Here is an example script for mixing tmotif textures:
You could also write functions to generate the notedata strings. If you want more details I'll post more info. It's worth noting that it generates those textures in parallel, so it's especially fast in this kind of application.
Code: [Select]
--Utility for getting single channel from stereo input
getmetatable('').__index = function( str, i ) return housekeep_chans( 1, i, str ) end
ndbase = "60\
0 1 0 0 0\
1 1 0 0 0\
2 1 0 0 0\
3 1 0 0 0\
nd1 = ndbase .. "#6\
0.000 1 63 70 0.4\
0.167 1 62 65 0.3\
0.334 1 60 60 0.3\
0.500 1 62 65 0.4\
0.667 1 60 60 0.3\
0.834 1 59 55 0.3\
nd2 = ndbase .. "#6\
0.000 1 59 70 0.4\
0.167 1 60 65 0.3\
0.334 1 62 60 0.3\
0.500 1 60 65 0.4\
0.667 1 62 60 0.3\
0.834 1 63 55 0.3\
modify_loudness( 4, "-l.7",
submix_merge( "-s8",
texture_tmotifs( 5, {altar_text(nd1,nd2)}, 6, 1,
1, 1,
60, 60,
60, 84,
0, 0, 1, 0, 2,
1, 1,
f[1][1] )))
You could also write functions to generate the notedata strings. If you want more details I'll post more info. It's worth noting that it generates those textures in parallel, so it's especially fast in this kind of application.