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Messages - Xenakios

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General Board / Re: CDP Interface for Renoise
« on: October 04, 2015, 01:19:05 PM »
So it *is* possible to build your code as a standalone ? I tried it some time ago, got no joy building it for Linux, but I'd love to take another shot at it. Is there an updated code base I can check out ?



The standalone build works (partially) only for Windows. I didn't get it to run on OS-X (just crashes at start) which was the reason I didn't publicly distribute the standalone application build. The source code hasn't been changed to build correctly for Linux yet. But I suppose I could take a quick look at that. (I now also have a Linux system with Juce and its dependencies installed. It's a horrible computer though that takes a long time to compile C++ code.)

General Board / Re: CDP Interface for Renoise
« on: October 04, 2015, 03:45:14 AM »
Afta8, an incredible amount of work that I have to congratulate you for!

Unfortunately this is something I won't get to use myself since Renoise is a host program that just isn't a good "fit" for me. (I've tried it, couldn't make it do pretty much any of the stuff I am used to, and forgot about it.) This is why I've done the work on my CDP frontends in a way that also allows building them as stand alone applications too. I know that Reaper isn't a "good fit" for many people either. (There was never a standalone application release of the recent CDP frontend though. The build is still possible to do and works somewhat but went into a bit of a neglected state because I have myself preferred working with the frontend in Reaper, so the development efforts went Reaper-centric. The newer frontend will follow a more strict development model where the standalone application build will not get behind or be unreleased.)

How much reusable code is in the Renoise frontend? Or is it very Renoise-centric? Just thinking about possibilities here if any of the hard work you've done could be ported over to something that doesn't require using Renoise...

General Board / Re: Latest CDP Source?
« on: October 02, 2015, 06:37:31 PM »
Yeah it's annoying on Windows and OS-X too that Portaudio is required by the build even though it is not used by majority of the CDP programs. Luckily it's not too difficult get rid of those programs in the build. (I obviously could just satisfy the Portaudio dependency, since I've used Portaudio in my development projects anyway, but on principle I don't like how the build dependency has been incorporated into CDP.)

General Board / Re: Latest CDP Source?
« on: September 27, 2015, 01:45:11 PM »
It sadly looks like the CDP developers have vanished from the face of the earth.  :( The only update I am aware of since the initial open source release since last year is the audio file formats fix for the pvoc, and the new source code for that was never made available.

Showcase / Re: Another go at a CDP frontend
« on: September 07, 2015, 12:25:58 PM »
I just unearthed this and again remembered how nice this could be if only developed a little further...  :)

However, I also got to experience again how damn finicky about their parameters and how unstable the CDP programs can be.   >:( It's very frustrating when a CDP program just keeps on giving errors or even crashing. A GUI frontend would need to be aware of these things and attempt to prevent the user from giving inputs that won't work. And that would require rewriting the logic that's already in the CDP programs but which can't easily be reused by a GUI front end. Sigh... :(

Announce / Re: PVOC update
« on: July 20, 2015, 01:38:13 PM »
Any chance the updated source codes could be made available?

Showcase / Re: Another go at a CDP frontend
« on: June 02, 2015, 11:38:51 AM »
I unfortunately got a bit stuck with this(*) and haven't worked on it lately. The plan is to continue with working on it, though. It did get to a quite interesting stage, after all.

(*) For example, I couldn't quite figure out the ideal way to implement the time varying parameter envelopes for this. I didn't want to do the most obvious thing and designing and implementing something more comprehensive turned out to be more involved than expected.

General Board / Re: what in CDP could possible be used in realtime
« on: May 29, 2015, 11:37:49 AM »
Many of the programs do multiple passes over either the input or the output., for such things as maximum amplitude computation and normalisation; these will convert either with great difficulty or not at all to a real-time streaming environment. This includes for example the granular synthesis/brassage programs.

You may be overcomplicating this. Sure, it will be hard or impossible to make such things work for strictly live real time inputs. However, it would be possible to make the programs access pre-existing material in a random access manner from memory buffers or files. This could be accomplished by requiring the user to "record" the desired material into such a buffer or file first. Not always ideal, but a possible approach. (For example the GRM Tools Freeze plugin works this way, as does the non-ARA version of Celemony Melodyne.) Pre-existing files could also be imported via file dialogs/browsers.

Plugins and plugin hosts/DAWs usually allow playing back audio even without an input file playing at the same time on a track. Technologies also exist in some DAW applications that allow 3rd party plugins/extensions to access audio files in the host in a random access manner.

Showcase / Re: Another go at a CDP frontend
« on: March 20, 2015, 05:41:54 PM »
Very nice! Please also consider standalone windows build  8)

Yeah I've been building it so far just as a standalone for both Windows and OS-X. I've been distracted with other stuff lately and will be until the end of this month...But I'll get back to this during April.

Showcase / Re: Another go at a CDP frontend
« on: February 23, 2015, 03:20:13 PM »
Experimenting with some extreme set ups... ;)

Announce / Re: PVOC update
« on: February 22, 2015, 11:56:29 AM »
Looks like the printouts probably are not a performance bottleneck in the code. (I've now done some performance analysis with AMD CodeXL.)

It'd be great to have the source code for the fixed pvoc program, so I could further investigate.

Showcase / Re: Another go at a CDP frontend
« on: February 17, 2015, 05:59:20 PM »
Wow, looks amazing, this could well be the perfect kind of interface for CDP.
Is this Reaper only?

The plan is to have builds of this that work both as standalone app and a Reaper plugin. The previous frontend also could be built as a standalone application but I didn't manage to make it work on OS-X, so I didn't publicly post builds of the standalone app. This new frontend now also has a working OS-X standalone application build since last night. (No Reaper plugin build exists yet, as it's kind of early days with this new software now. Adding the Reaper plugin mode will be relatively easy later, though.) I can't say a definitive date when this new frontend might be available for public testing, but perhaps during March isn't too inaccurate.

Showcase / Another go at a CDP frontend
« on: February 16, 2015, 09:53:03 AM »
I got quite frustrated with some aspects of the CDP frontend I have been working on, and decided to look at doing things from scratch. After a few days of work I've progressed quite nicely! I was able to come with a node graph based approach that allows quite cleanly to connect CDP programs together to form complex webs of processing. This will require a bit more work to become usable for the general public but perhaps a first test build might appear before too long. (Notably editing the CDP program parameters is currently very primitive, and no support for time varying parameters exists...)

Announce / Re: PVOC update
« on: February 13, 2015, 12:09:50 AM »
It occurred to me that maybe the reason for the pvoc program being somewhat slow is because of its extreme amount of text output it produces...I realized this now that I tried running pvoc anal with a "long" input file (about 6 minutes) via the JUCE C++ library's ChildProcess. I already had to change that code in JUCE's Windows implementation to have more buffering for the process's text output. But now I ran into a situation where I had to increase the buffer amount even more.

Perhaps it could be a good idea to produce less progress text output while pvoc runs...?

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